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Page 14

  In all her life, Lena had never felt her body react so violently. Her stomach was tightening with the contractions in her vagina. Her veins seemed to be electrified and her heart was hammering at her chest. She felt weak, with her legs threatening to give way at any moment.

  His harsh whisper resonated in her ear. “Why do you give me so much grief, Lena? Why do you make me want to punish you?”

  As if to reinforce his words, his fingers crushed her nipples, making her cry out. His body was pushing in closer to her and Lena was aware that his breathing was faster. Absently, she moved a hand down to his, hoping her touch would distract him. Instead her hand was seized in his and brought back up to the other. Grasping both wrists, he held her still.

  “You’re disobeying me, again.”

  Keeping her pinned, he moved away to her side, only to bring his hand slamming into her buttock. A second later her other cheek received the same. Lena yelled with the pain and was startled to hear his huffed laugh of amusement. Fear began to edge into her arousal.

  For a moment he rubbed and squeezed her bottom gently, but then rapidly delivered three violent smacks to each cheek. Her whimpers soon turned into sobbing as the burning pain swelled in her bottom. She struggled to free herself from him only to be pushed back against the wall.

  “This is what happens to naughty girls.” His voice was harsh as he moved back behind her, seizing her breasts and pulling her back against him. She had little choice but to grip his iron knuckles as he crushed her against the tiles, under his weight. His legs were on the outside of hers, pushing them back together to complete her entrapment. Releasing one breast, his hand moved down and he forced his cock to rub against her sore buttocks, pushing and trying to divide her clenched cheeks.

  “Please don’t,” Lena sobbed.

  “This is what you wanted.” He continued to rub and push. “To be punished and hurt.”

  “Not like this. I don’t want this.” She was crying loudly. “Don’t hurt me. Please, don’t hurt me.”

  Whether it was her desperate plea, or the water suddenly turning icy cold, Jahn suddenly released her and backed away. Lena remained against the wall, her body shaking with misery.

  “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I’m so sorry.”

  He turned the water off and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her. Rubbing her shoulder, he waited until she had calmed before gently turning her to face him.

  “Go back to the apartment and get another towel and get yourself dried.”

  She couldn’t look at him. “What about you?”

  He sighed. “I need to cool off anyway. Just do as I’ve said and then go back to bed.”

  “Forgive me,” she whispered.

  Jahn sighed deeply. “You’re not the one who needs to be forgiven.” He softly pushed her towards the curtain. “Go.”

  He watched her until she had entered the apartment and then he leant back against the wall, feeling his wet skin cool and prickle in the cold air. Turning on the cold water, he stood under the flow, trying to extinguish the heat that still ran through him.

  What the fuck was wrong with him? Lena wasn’t the first woman he had lusted over, but it was more than that. He wanted her beyond a point where he was no longer in control. He had been fully prepared to rape her and it sickened him. Maybe finally, the years of sex and violence had taken their toll and unleashed the real animal in him.

  If losing control wasn’t bad enough, his mind was chaotic with emotions that he had never had to contend with. The shame and remorse were overwhelming.

  “Fuck you, Natasha,” he called out. “This bastard does not fall in love.”

  Whatever had gone wrong there would have to be damage control, or Lena would be an emotional wreck of his own making. He would have to reassure her that she had done nothing wrong, maybe even cuddle her if she still wanted to go near him. A little compassion, a little romance and all this could be put behind them. Anything else she read into it would not be his problem.

  Lena did excite him, her and that beautiful arse that coloured so well, but no woman would ever take precedence in his life. He needed to be back in control, and even to examine these revelations of his nature. He didn’t need to hurt her physically to do that. The ultimate test of cruelty would be allowing her to fall in love with him.


  Lena lay on her side, cuddling up to Greta and letting her tears roll down onto her pillow. She had left the bedroom door open enough to allow a little light into her room, but more to still be close to him. For the last half hour she had heard him moving about in the kitchen, and it gave her some comfort.

  Against her nightie, the tingle remained in her nipples, a reminder of his touch, the brutal and the gentle. Her bottom was still burning. She regretted having gone to him. She had played with fire and was lucky she hadn’t been incinerated.

  Jahn had never deceived her about who he was. He was wild and savage, albeit with a capacity for tenderness, but still totally unpredictable. How stupid she had been to believe that she could play his game, and how fortunate that he hadn’t continued.

  Yet, in the safety of her bed, her arousal remained. Pulling up her nightie, she palmed her bare bottom, awed by the heat radiating from it and spreading deep into her vagina. The pain was now bearable and Lena was reluctant for it to disappear. His hand had been ten times worse than the brush, and there was no disputing that she had been punished. She’d been a naughty girl and received a well-deserved spanking.

  This last thought made her whole body quiver with need. Lena grimaced and punched her pillow, knowing she had ruined it. Jahn wouldn’t want to touch her ever again. It was beyond her why he had bothered to give her any attention at all. He had women at his disposal, women who appreciated him, that didn’t send out false signals and lead him on, just to whine like a baby when they didn’t like what he did.

  Hearing him out there, she yearned to go to him again, but the thought that it would only incite his anger and rejection kept her where she was. Sighing deeply, she rolled over and closed her eyes, knowing that sleep would not come easily. It didn’t help when a powerful aroma came drifting into the bedroom.

  “Mushrooms,” she whispered as her stomach growled.

  She realised it had been hours since she had eaten, and only a sandwich at that. The sound and smell of food sizzling in a pan made her nauseous with hunger. If Jahn had wanted to exact his revenge, he couldn’t have dreamt up a better way.

  There were shadows dancing on the wall in front of her. Rolling back, she could see that the light in the outer room had dimmed. Jahn was about to settle down for the night, fed by some delicious meal, while she wallowed in misery and hunger. Surely he couldn’t be so angry as to deny her a mouthful. Throwing the covers back, she got out of bed and went to the door.

  The sight that greeted her took her breath away. There were candles placed throughout the room, the brightest flickering on the table in front of the couch. The television was gone and in its place was a tablecloth with two plates and cutlery set out. Two wine glasses sat next to them and a carafe half filled with what appeared to be white wine.

  Jahn was in the kitchen sliding thick slices of layered omelettes into a dish. He was dressed in track pants and a black singlet which outlined his body. Carrying the dish to the table he glanced up at her, his mouth slightly curled in an amused grin.

  “You wanted a memory.” He set the dish down and stood up, giving her his full attention. “I don’t want you to remember a cold bathroom and a violent act. You deserve more than that.”

  Her lip was quivering, and she was fighting hard against the tears pricking at her eyes.

  “Come and sit down and eat,” he said quietly.

  Lena went to the couch and sat down. Jahn sat on the floor across from her and set to putting the slices on their plates. Picking up his fork, he paused as he saw her staring at him.

  “Eat,” he demanded.

  It was a good excuse not to talk and Len
a happily cut into her food. She knew if she had tried to say anything that it would have quickly dissolved into tearful babble. Handing her a glass of wine, Lena nearly laughed to discover it was grape juice. Not that she cared. He could have fed her garbage scraps at that point and her heart would still have been happy.

  Only at the conclusion of the meal did she feel at ease enough to talk.

  “That was amazing. I don’t think I’ve enjoyed anything so much.”

  Jahn smiled. “You were hungry. I’m glad you liked it. It’s the best I could do for a candlelight dinner.”

  Looking about at the silent flickering lights, Lena felt choked with emotion. “It’s beautiful. You did this for me, after what I did.”

  “Forget that. Wrong time, wrong place. Now we have this, and whatever you want to do with it.”

  Lena trembled. He was giving her another chance. “I want you, but I’m scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Of you,” she whispered. “Of myself, that I’ll ruin it, that I can’t be who you want me to be.”

  “You are exactly who I want you to be. For a moment, I forgot and I’m sorry.” He looked stricken as he spoke. “I would never hurt you like that again. In my defence, I wasn’t expecting you in the bathroom right at that time. It was a bad day for both of us.”

  Lena nodded. “I’m sorry too.”

  “I want to make it up to you.” Jahn gazed at her. “But it’s your decision.”

  Her choice had never been easier. “I just know that if I go back to that bed alone, I will never be happy again.”

  Jahn got up, taking their plates out to the kitchen before going about blowing out the candles. Coming back, his face and body were illuminated by the remaining flame as he looked down and reached out to her. Nothing had ever looked so magnificent.

  “All you have to do is take my hand.”

  Slowly, Lena stretched out her hand until it was enclosed in his. Helping her to stand, he guided her around the table, drawing her against him. With an arm around her waist, his other hand stroked her back and glided upwards to take a fistful of hair at the back of her neck. Lena allowed her head to be tilted up. He was gazing at her, his face void of expression before bringing his mouth down upon hers.

  His lips softly skimmed over hers, intermittently capturing each in turn. Grasping his powerful arms, Lena melted with desire, parting her lips, inviting his kiss. His mouth pressed against hers, his tongue softly invading, exploring intensely as their passion ignited. It was more than she had dreamt of in a kiss.

  When their mouths finally parted, Lena stood gazing up at him, trembling and weak, a powerless body ready to be taken. Jahn released her and stepped back, his eyes travelling downwards to her nipples straining against her nightie.

  With the tips of his fingers, he touched them softly making her gasp. Crouching down, he took hold of the hem, bringing it up as he stood. The last of her defences was discarded to the couch and she was naked before him.

  When she went to cover herself, his stern frown and shake of his head brought her arms back to her sides. Using both hands, his calloused palms made little circles against the taut peaks. Cupping her breasts, his tongue was the next to attack.

  Lena moaned as he took his time tormenting her nipples, going back and forth between them, sucking and licking, and intermittently flicking them with his thumbs. Grasping hold of his head, her fingers entangled themselves in his thick hair. Her clitoris was throbbing, but another need was taking precedence, a wanton fantasy filling her thoughts.

  She wanted to voice it, but all she could manage was to whisper his name. Jahn straightened up and saw the desperation in her face.

  He posed his question gently. “What do you want, Lena?”

  Shaking her head, she looked away from him, biting her lip. Jahn took hold of her chin and made her look at him, repeating his question sternly.

  The colour bloomed in her face and she could only whisper. “You said that you were going to put me over your knee because I had disobeyed you, and you were worried about me.”

  “I’ve already punished you enough.” He shook his head. “I’m not going to hurt you again.”

  She smiled and nodded, but he could see her disappointment. This was not going the way he wanted it. He could see the need in her, a desire for something that was different from the contrived scenarios he had done with other women. She wanted him to discipline her, but in a very precise way, not out of lust, but out of care and concern.

  He couldn’t believe it. She was doing it again, chipping away at his cold, decisive interior, giving him doubts about his ability to please her, at least sexually. It was even more ridiculous that it bothered him, but it did. Fine, if she wanted his authority, he would give it to her.

  “I want you to go into the bedroom, turn on the lamp and wait for me.” His mind began to tick over. “You are to stand in the corner and think about how naughty you have been today.”

  His tentative command was met with a gasp and a firm nod of her head. “Yes, Sir.”

  Her reaction unsettled him, but he still admired her arse as she hurried away, before exhaling a deep breath. So much for control. This game was no longer his. Lena was writing the rules now, and like an idiot, he was playing along.

  The chance of failure was immense, and he had already failed once that night. It pricked at his ego, but yet presented a spectacular challenge. For the first time in his self-satisfying life he was going to have to put someone else’s need before his own.

  He would have to watch her carefully, look for any sign or body language that she was frightened or not prepared to go on. This was not about pain or control. She was looking for him to take charge of her, discipline her, but not break her. As much as it frustrated him, she was looking to be loved from the one man who didn’t have an ounce of love in his heart.

  Even his language would have to be perfect, stern but not abusive. He would have to use the right words, probably as a parent would use on a child. ‘Bottom’ not ‘arse’ and he would have to assure her that the punishment was for her own good and done with love.

  Jahn began to laugh silently at his own anxiety. A simple spanking had become an epic test of his ability.

  In the bedroom, Lena stood in the corner and waited, her stomach in knots. He’d given her a second chance and whatever happened, there was no turning back. No matter how much pain he subjected her to, she would find a way to endure. She would die before becoming that cringing, whining woman again.

  There were no more doubts. She wanted him in every way possible, but would be happy with whatever he gave her. Greta had been wrapped up and tucked away with her guilt on a pillow in a corner, facing the other way. With new abandoned desire, Lena allowed her thoughts to become carnal, inciting her arousal.

  Standing naked in the corner had helped bring a reality to her fantasy. She was now the disobedient girl awaiting a well-deserved punishment. Hopefully her remorse would lighten his palm, but if it didn’t there would be no one to blame but herself.

  Hearing him enter the bedroom, she straightened up, keeping her eyes on the wall. Her heart was thumping with excitement and being echoed between her legs. There was no more fear, just the anticipation of them being together.

  “Come here,” he said quietly.

  Lena turned to see that he was sitting on the bed, his face sombre and frowning. There was a small black bag next to him that looked ominous, but she kept her questions silent. As she went to him, he reached out and grasped her hand, pulling her to stand between his legs. Even sitting, his face was nearly level with hers and she had no choice but to look into his eyes. His hands cupped and rubbed her buttocks.

  “We both made some mistakes today,” he began with a tone that was firm and gentle. “I made the mistake of not disciplining you as I promised, a mistake that I will not repeat again. From now on, you’re going to find yourself over my knee having your bare bottom thoroughly spanked every time you disobey me. Is that understood

  Lena nodded, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now I want to hear it from you; why you are about to get the first of those spankings.”

  “Because I disobeyed you.” With his fingers caressing her, it was hard enough to breathe let alone talk. “Those men would have hurt me like they hurt that girl, all because I didn’t listen to you. I don’t know what’s right or wrong anymore and I need you to teach me.”

  Jahn swallowed, trying not to show any reaction. “I’m going to teach you, Lena, because I care about you. While you are with me, the only hurt you will have to contend with is a very sore bottom.”

  She smiled, making his heart wrench. “Thank you.”

  It was more than he was ready for and before she could see his doubt, he guided her around to the side of his legs and over his lap. He was eager to get this over with, but knew if he rushed it another failure was imminent. Her emotions were highly charged and brittle, and his responsibilities had just become paramount.

  Her comfort became his first concern as he felt her tummy press into his hard leg.

  “I have a better idea.” He patted her bottom. “Up you get.”

  Frowning, Lena stood up and watched as he reached for a pillow and draped it over his left thigh. Taking her arm, he moved her back between his legs and made her bend over so that she was able to lie her upper body on the bed. Bending his leg and bunching the pillow her bottom was raised and he wrapped his arm securely around her waist.

  This way her bottom was taut and the underside of her cheeks would be accessible. He pushed his hand between her legs and made them spread, exposing her vagina. Her hand wandered down to the arm that held her.