Master Page 15
She wasn’t struggling, but Jahn realised that she was looking for assurance. He released her long enough to take her hand in his before resuming his grip. He stared at his target, admiring the roundness of her plump cheeks and the glistening delicate folds of her sex peaking between. The red marks on her bottom was a sore reminder of what he had done earlier.
Knowing that she was already wet from his attentions gave him a renewed confidence. He was back in control and ready to enjoy this adventure at his leisure. It would be a little justice for the mind fuck she had put him through.
Running his hand over her entire bottom, he felt her shudder and squirm. Her cheeks were quivering and he settled them with some slow light smacks.
“What a naughty girl you are,” he grinned, keeping his tone stern. “Here it is nearly midnight, and instead of being tucked up in your bed, you are over my knee having this naughty bottom soundly spanked.”
Lena shuddered again and he knew that he was on the right track. Increasing the firmness and pace, he watched as her cheeks began to colour. He paused to caress her and deliver a stern lecture.
“There is going to be a significant change in your behaviour, young lady.” He was enjoying this and was glad she couldn’t see his amusement. “There is going to be no more whining and crying when you don’t get your own way. You will go to bed and stay there when I tell you, and you will certainly not leave the apartment without my permission. Is that perfectly clear?”
Although he heard her whispered affirmation, he feigned ignorance and delivered a volley of hard smacks to the base of her cheeks. “I asked if that was clear.”
“Yes, Sir.” Lena cried out.
Again he paused, making his caresses more intimate, bringing his fingers enticingly closer to her swelling sex. Her breathing was laboured and she was finding it difficult to keep still. As he watched, she pushed out her bottom as if inviting more punishment.
It was the perfect time to experiment with a riskier stimulation
“I also understand that you have not been well.” He continued to soothe her with his hand and voice. “Sometimes little girls play up when they are not well. I’m going to take your temperature while I have you like this...”
As expected, he felt her tense up and immediately firmed his tone and delivered several stinging smacks which left her whimpering, but relaxed.
“We just talked about this, Lena,” he growled. “You are supposed to learning a lesson in obedience, or do I need to apply my belt to this little red bottom?”
“No, please,” she called out. “I’ll be good. Please don’t use your belt.”
He had no intention of thrashing her, but knew that she needed the extra threat to be able to submit to a more humiliating treatment.
“This is for your own good.” His voice softened again and he returned to softly massaging her bottom. “I’m going to release you, but you are to remain exactly as you are and I want no nonsense out of you. Is that understood?”
She was crying softly. “Yes, Sir.”
Slowly he let go of her hand, followed by her waist. Lena lay still and even tilted her bottom higher. It was an erotic sight and Jahn could barely tear his eyes from her as he felt in the bag for the thermometer and lube. He was thankful for the pillow that kept his swelling cock hidden.
He explained everything in detail of what he was about to do to her and wasn’t surprised when she began to tremble.
“It will be a little cold,” he continued. “But it will be over quickly, and then we can finish your spanking. If your temperature is up, I am going to have to give you a full examination.”
Using his fingers, he parted her cheeks and drizzled lube between them. He massaged her anus, watching her clench up. Taking the thermometer, he inserted it slowly, listening to her groan. Keeping it inside her, his hand moved down to her vagina, his finger finding her clit, stroking it softly.
Lena emitted a long, deep moan and bucked against the pillow. “Oh, god, help. What’s happening to me?”
“It’s alright, Lena.” Jahn quickly assured her, his finger working her clit. “Just breathe and let your body do what it wants to do.”
“I’m all tense,” she cried. “Inside… the throbbing.”
As tempting as it was to deny her climax, he knew that she was scared and obviously unfamiliar with her body’s reactions. Removing the thermometer, his hand came back to her bottom and softly rubbed and squeezed, ebbing his touch closer to the source of her torment.
Taking hold of her again, he cupped her vagina in his palm and pressed his finger between her drenched labia. Lena yelled and pushed against him, her clitoris thumping against his finger as he attended it delicately.
Her orgasm came with a chorus of sobs and yells. Jahn continued stimulating her and holding her securely, until her body collapsed against him. He watched with satisfaction as she trembled and shivered. Lying his body back on the bed, he shifted her to be on top of him, holding her around the waist as she gazed at him in distress. When she tried to talk he pecked her lips with a kiss.
“Quiet,” he grinned. “I think it’s time one naughty little girl got some sleep.”
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Jahn shook his head. “You won’t be.”
Jahn was suddenly awake and nothing seemed normal. It was already light outside and he was still in his bed, fully dressed. A naked woman was embraced in his arm, clinging to him in her sleep.
As his head cleared he was annoyed to realise how deeply he had slept. He frowned at the source of his ill-discipline as she softly snored against him. A grin forced itself upon his face as he looked at her, blissfully unaware of the trouble she was causing him.
He tried to move, but she groaned and clutched him tighter. Sighing, he lay still and shook his head. She was warm and soft against him and his cock stirred. He tried to redirect his thoughts, but his mind was filled with the image of her bottom, round and rosy, begging to be spanked.
As his cock stiffened, Jahn moved quickly to pull away from her and sit on the edge of the bed.
“Is it time to get up?” Even her innocent voice was alluring.
“For me it is,” he mumbled, not looking at her “You go back to sleep.”
“I don’t want you to go,” she said softly. “I want you to make love to me.”
It had to stop. Turning, he put on his angriest face. “I don’t make love, Lena. I told you that. What happened last night was a conclusion to a bad day and is not about to repeat itself any time soon.”
Lena grinned and rolled onto her tummy, kicking the sheets back and revealing her bottom. “You should take my temperature again.”
His mouth fell open. “You’re ignoring me.”
She put on a dramatic sad face. “I do feel a little hot. Maybe you should do that examination and see if I’m alright. You wouldn’t want me to get sick again.”
Jahn was aghast. She was seducing him, and worse still, it was working.
She looked at him with doe eyes. “I only want to be a good girl, so you won’t have to spank my bare bottom.”
“You little brat.” He was on her before she could roll away, pinning her with enough bodyweight so as not to crush her. Lena giggled and squirmed as he applied a brisk spanking to her cheeks.
Rolling her onto her back, he hovered over her, holding himself up with powerful arms.
Lena grinned up at him. “I’m feeling better already.”
“That’s good,” he nodded. “But I never take chances. Stay right there.”
He rolled off and she watched as he grabbed the black bag and took out what looked to be the tie to his robe.
“Give me your wrists,” he demanded, kneeling on the bed.
Holding her arms out, Lena watched as he firmly wrapped the tie around her wrists and bound them. Drawing her arms back over her head, he secured her at the bed rail. Lena nervously questioned him as to the purpose.
“A restrained patient is much easie
r to examine,” he smiled. “Let’s begin with your breasts.”
He moved back over her lower body, keeping her still between his knees. With another grin his eyes travelled down to where her nipples were already taut peaks. Taking hold of one breast, he held it while he skimmed his palm across the nipple and gently pinched and tugged at it. The other soon received the same treatment until Lena was groaning.
“Please,” she gasped.
Jahn smiled as he continued. “Please what? Please don’t torture these little buds? Maybe I should kiss them better, or give them both a good whipping with my tongue.”
Lena shook her head fiercely, but her plea was denied. His mouth came down and for the next ten minutes she was subjected to the most exquisite punishment. When he came up again, a new evil was glinting in his eye.
“Guess what comes next.”
Again she pleaded and protested. “Not with your mouth. Please, not with your mouth.”
Jahn laughed. “Especially with my mouth.”
Sliding down her body, he seized her thighs and spread them with ease, though she fought to keep them together. Holding them apart with his forearms, he took time to admire her exposed cunt and breathe in its intoxicating scent. He brushed his lips softly against her labia and then ran his tongue between, erupting a loud groaning yell from Lena. His fingers gently parted her, exposing her clitoris. With a light flicking of his tongue, he gave her a small demonstration on how sensitive it was.
Lena moaned and whimpered. “Oh god, no.”
“You remember what happened to you last night, Lena,” he said, not taking his eyes from his prize. “Well, that is about to happen again, several times in fact, and then I’m going to have to fuck you, because it’s getting a bit uncomfortable for me. This is the only chance you’ll have to say no.”
Still in her euphoria, Lena breathed out a laugh. “If you don’t fuck me, I’m fairly certain I am going to die.”
Jahn chuckled. “I’ve never lost a patient yet.”
With that, his tongue launched its attack on its helpless victim. By her second climax, Lena was exhausted from yelling and trying to buck under him, and still his tongue was flicking her clit, driving deeply into her each time the cum flooded from her.
He suddenly moved away from her, leaving her with a desperate need. Through hooded eyes she watched him strip off and retrieve something else from the bag, and then he was back, over her like a predator, his breathing heavier and eyes glazed with lust.
Lena came alert as his cock rubbed up against her vagina and she felt small in comparison. He watched her face as he reached down to grasp his cock and spread her moisture over the head as he gently rocked into her.
Her anxiety was obvious and Jahn started kissing her face and neck.
“Just relax, little one,” he whispered. “I’m going to look after you and protect you, and when you’re naughty, I will take down your panties and give you long, hard spankings on your bare bottom, while I’m rubbing your clit.”
It was enough, and his cock pushed into her deeply, making her gasp between breaths. With difficulty, he waited until she was used to him and pushing back of her own accord.
“That’s it, little one,” he soothed, reaching forward to untie her.
The moment her hands were free, her arms went around him and her hips gained momentum. It was as if he had released her passion as she drove harder against each thrust of his cock. Her mouth and tongue found his, while her nails clawed into his back. He could see a frown of pain on her face, but she would not let up.
All hope of lasting was gone as her tightness contracted against his cock. Jahn took back control in those last seconds, fucking her hard, listening to her yell from climax as his own erupted. For a few minutes they continued to move against each other, slowing down, until Lena fell back against the bed.
He looked at her and grinned as he saw the pure ecstasy on her face. Withdrawing from her, he discarded his condom to the floor and fell down next to her. Lena rolled into him and wrapped her arms around him, resting her face on his chest.
Holding her, Jahn stared up at the ceiling, relieved that she was silent. He didn’t need to hear her voice to feel her love pouring out onto him. His guilt was already bad enough and only got worse when he felt a tear on his chest.
“You okay?” he asked stroking her hair.
“I feel incredible,” she whispered. Lena suddenly lifted up and smiled at him. “Tell me about your tattoos.”
She ran her finger over the nautical star on his collarbone. “Why was everyone freaking out about this? It’s just a star and not even a very pretty one.”
Jahn smiled at her innocence. “They’re the symbols of a man I knew many years ago, a very powerful man named Ivanchenko, who had a lot of influence throughout the Soviet back then.”
“So why do you have them?”
“Because I saved his life.”
Lena frowned at him. “I heard Andrei tell Poppa that you were in prison.”
“I was,” Jahn nodded. “I was only sixteen, but I looked a lot older as you’ve kindly pointed out to me. I was as big as I am now, maybe not as broad, but I looked enough like a man to be in an adult prison.”
“Did you do something bad?”
“Bad enough to land me there. I assaulted a KGB agent and a few of his friends that were about to drag a man from his family, simply because they didn’t like a few harmless activities he was involved in.”
“And what happened to this man?”
“I don’t know. I gave him enough time to get him and his family away and then I let them arrest me.”
“So how did you save this Ivanchenko?”
“With a lot of bloodshed. Nothing you want to hear about.”
“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to hear about it.” She gazed at him. “I love hearing about your life. Tell me.”
Jahn sighed. “It was in a Russian prison and when I got there, I made sure I was aware of the pecking order. Ivanchenko was at the top, keeping the guards controlled by threats on their families. Fortunately, he took a liking to me, after word got out that I was somewhat of a fighter and had taken down a KGB agent. He hated the KGB. He pitted me against a few of his men and I came out on top. After that, I was his front man. During that time the Politburo was doing a crackdown on corruption and they sent a special force into the prison to take charge of it. The Omon, the elite cops, no identities and no mercy. They were nasty.”
“In what way?”
“They would take us out of cells at night and subject us to severe beatings, but there were worse things they did, gang raping some of the prisoners, torturing them. They rounded up a few of us one night, Ivanchenko included, and we were taken to a basement for one of their special parties. One of them had made the mistake of bringing an automatic weapon. It took me five minutes to turn the tables. I killed three of them and then we extracted information from the others about their families, their homes and their children. We kept these men hostage for three days, in which Ivanchenko took back his power, sending out word to his family and demonstrating just how terrifying he could be. The government had no choice. They negotiated reforms. The prison went back under Ivanchenko’s control and a sort of peace was restored.”
Lena’s face fell. “Please don’t tell me that children were hurt.”
“It didn’t come to that,” Jahn sighed. “But it was brutal. In a matter of a few days, Ivanchenko had become the most feared man in Russia and I was the man who had saved him. He used his power to get me out and secured me a position in the army, at my request.”
“This knife,” Lena said, tracing the tattoo with her finger. “What does that mean?”
“That my heart doesn’t beat, that I am a living death, pierced by cold steel and will show no mercy. I was his warning to anyone else that would ever defy him.”
“That’s silly,” Lena laughed. “I just heard your heart beating and I’m not so scared of you now, and if Ivanchenko was so smart, h
ow come he was still in prison?”
“He was in there awaiting trial for murder, but several months on and they couldn’t find anyone willing to prosecute him.”
“So he got out? That’s wrong. He’s still a bad man. He should be still be in prison.”
“He’s dead.”
“Good,” Lena pouted. “No one like him should ever have so much power.”
“I agree,” Jahn nodded. “When I saw what he was capable of, I regretted saving his life. That’s why I ended up killing him.”
Lena shivered and gazed at him curiously. “What does that do to you, killing people, taking their lives away from them?”
Jahn’s face grew sombre. “It leaves you empty, void of feeling, a dead heart that still allows you to function, doing anything to stimulate the flesh so that you know that you are still alive.”
Laying her head down, she smiled. “No, your heart’s still beating, you just don’t know it. For some men, violence and death is all they ever think about and it makes me feel sorry for them. If they knew what it was like to bring a life into the world, they would never want to kill again.”
Jahn grimaced and he willed himself to keep silent, but the words were out before he could stop himself.
“What happened to your baby, Lena?”
He felt her tense up and she was silent for a long time. Again he felt the tears on his chest and he mentally kicked himself.
“They took her away from me.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “I carried her for nine months, feeling her grow inside me, kicking about, depending on me for her life. When Poppa found out that I was pregnant, he went berserk, but by then I was too far gone to be forced to have an abortion. I would have never allowed it anyway. When I started showing, Vera took me to Odessa, to her sister’s place, saying that I had shamed Poppa and should at least hide my shame from his business. She said that we would have to pretend that she had given birth to the baby. I could live with that, knowing I would be the one looking after her myself, but they tricked me. Vera and her sister never took me to the hospital. I had to give birth in the house with them. The pain was bad and they both got scared and panicked. They took off and left me on my own, hoping it would kill me, I suppose, and the baby, but it didn’t. I brought her into the world on my own, and she was healthy and crying and I fed her. She was beautiful, black curly hair and tiny little fingers. I had never seen anything so perfect in all my life, my Greta.”