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Master Page 19

  Lena looked horrified. “And you did this?”

  “Yes, and it was fun.” He grinned. “We went to an isolated dacha down near the sea and spent a weekend living out her fantasy, and then she put her KGB uniform back on and went back to work.”

  “I’m not going to ask what that involved,” Lena stated. She looked at him curiously. “Those other women, the ones in the photos, what do they call you?”

  “They call me Master.”

  Lena gasped. “But that’s my…”

  He glanced at her. “It’s your what?”

  “Nothing,” she grinned. “No wonder you’re so arrogant with titles like that.”

  “Oh,” Jahn frowned, trying not to grin. “You don’t think I’m masterful enough?”

  “I didn’t say that. It just seems odd in a sexual context.”

  “Submission and dominance has been around for a long time and so have the titles that go with them. It’s a practice becoming more popular as Western influences filter in. Sex has more variety.”

  “So I’m learning,” Lena nodded. “All the boys read dirty magazines and the girls aren’t so modest, dressing differently and acting all sexy. It was confusing when I became interested in boys. I didn’t know how to act and I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I just did what everyone else was doing.”

  “And now you know what you want. Don’t settle for anything less.”

  “Yes, Master,” Lena replied, breaking into a giggle.

  Jahn rolled his eyes. “Let’s get you home.”

  The drive back to the apartment seemed more nerve wracking than when she had first been taken there. Her body was trembling with tension, though she kept reminding herself that Jahn was in charge. He would care for her and not demand any more than she could give.

  His threat of discipline was adding to her apprehension, though she assured herself that it would be little more than he had already visited upon her. It would be better, because this time she didn’t have to feel embarrassed or awkward.

  Arriving in the car park, she felt nauseous, and was glad of the several flights of stairs to burn up some of the adrenaline coursing through her. She stopped him halfway up.

  “When you say that I’m in trouble,” she began. “How much trouble am I in?”

  He looked at her sternly. “You want me to take charge of you? Once we are in the apartment that is exactly what I will do. Now is the time to say you don’t want that. The next time I won’t be listening.”

  Lena swallowed nervously and tried to laugh. “So you really will be my Master.”

  “If that’s the way you want to look at it, and you will be my trusting submissive.”

  With a deep sigh, Lena grinned. “I suppose if I am ever going to trust anyone again, it begins with you.”

  His face reflected an admiration that encouraged her.

  Still, once outside the door, she excused herself to the bathroom to relieve her bladder and ponder just what she was about to do. She was nervous, but her decision was made. This was what she wanted. There were no more doubts, and having experienced what he could evoke in her, she felt the thrill of deepening desire. Washing her hands and splashing water onto her face, she heaved a deep sigh of readiness and made her way back to the apartment.

  Standing in the doorway, her courage drained as she looked at the chair in the centre of the lounge and Jahn standing beside it.

  “Shut the door,” he told her firmly. “And come to me.”

  She approached him nervously. Jahn took her hand, sat down and pulled her in front of him, between his legs. He had removed his jumper, and in his black singlet and jeans, everything about him looked more intense. His face was stern and confident, his mouth closed and relaxed, and the ice blue of his eyes, brighter than she remembered. A shadow of stubble sat above his lip, and with his penetrating stare, he was unnerving to look at.

  “Tell me why you are being punished.” He demanded quietly.

  Lena whispered. “I disobeyed you.”

  Jahn nodded. “You did, for the second time, which was from my failure to discipline you the first time, a mistake I don’t intend to make again.”

  Her gaze remained locked on him as he gently encouraged her around to stand at his side. She glanced down at the strong, open legs that would soon be supporting her body.

  “I’m too heavy,” she told him.

  “Are you?” He smiled. “Let’s see, shall we.”

  He pulled her down over his lap, adjusting his legs to support her body comfortably. Lena found herself staring down at the carpet as she clutched the leg of his jeans, grimacing at her predicament.

  With his arm anchoring her in place, she had no hope of escape and every bit of awareness of how prominent her bottom was. Her legs were stiff and pushed tightly together, but Jahn had other ideas.

  “Don’t stiffen up like that,” he told her crossly. “Relax your legs and open them up.”

  When she was slow to respond, he administered a few hard swats to her thighs.

  “Obey me, Lena.”

  She opened her legs, biting her lip at the sting. Her pubic mound pressed against the muscle of his thigh and her legs felt awkwardly free. She was surprised that he hadn’t restrained them.

  His palm smoothed the material of her dress over her buttocks, before his finger depressed a path between them.

  “I’m about to warm your bottom,” he announced. “If your legs come up, so does the heat I apply.”

  His palm came away and returned sharply with a firm smack to the centre of her right cheek. The contact had barely registered before the other received the same. As he continued, Lena found the spanking surprisingly bearable, until it showed no sign of stopping. Two minutes later her buttocks were uncomfortably sore and hot.

  “Jahn,” she called. “It’s starting to hurt.”

  He didn’t reply and his palm continued to bounce off each cheek in turn.

  Lena began to squirm, only to feel his hold on her tighten.

  “Jahn, please, it hurts.”

  When she was ignored again, she tried to force herself on her side and bring her feet up to block the strikes. The spanking instantly got harder and faster.

  Lena yelled. “I’m sorry. I’ll keep still. Not so hard, please. It’s burning.”

  It took only a few unanswered seconds to understand that he had no intention of slowing down.

  She whimpered. “I’m sorry I disobeyed you. Please, don’t be angry with me.”

  The spanking stopped.

  “I’m not angry with you,” he replied calmly. “I wouldn’t discipline you in anger, and it is hurting because it is meant to hurt and it’s going to hurt a lot more before I’m finished.”

  “But I don’t think I can bear it.”

  “Then have a good cry and accept that it is out of your control. It is over when I decide it is over, and that won’t be before you have one very red, sore bottom that will remain that way for a good few hours. This is the punishment I promised you and this time, I intend to keep my word.”

  Her dress was suddenly pulled up and tucked up around her waist. His fingers took hold of the top of her panties, and in one swift, downward pull, her bottom was bared. Lena yelled and tried to reach back to cover herself, only to have her hand seized and held to the small of her back. Taking his time, he tugged the front of them from under her and brought them down to her knees.

  “A bare bottom.” Jahn softly glided his palm over her rosy cheeks. “The only way a naughty girl should be spanked, isn’t it, Lena?”

  His sensuous tone and her vulnerability sent a shudder through her, but she remained apprehensive.

  “Please, I have learnt my lesson.”

  “Calm yourself, Lena,” he soothed. “Tell me what happens when you’re naughty and put yourself in danger.”

  Whimpering, Lena shook her head. “I don’t want to.”

  “Yes you do. You want to tell me because you know that once your punishment is over, you are forgiven
and don’t have to feel any guilt. Everything has been dealt with.”

  She lay her head against his leg, distracted by his voice. Some of her tension eased. His words played over in her mind and she became aware of her hand held securely in his.

  “You’re going to spank my bare bottom,” she whispered. “Because I’ve been naughty, and because you care about me and want me to be safe.”

  “I care about you very much.” He continued to caress her, bringing his fingers temptingly close to her vagina. “This will be over soon. You already have a beautiful red bottom, but it needs a slightly deeper tone.”

  He slid his hand to the base of her cheeks. “It’s under here that has missed out and I’ll need to adjust your position to attend them. In a moment I’m going to let you stand up and you are going to demonstrate how you have learnt your lesson of obedience.”

  Lena wasn’t sure what he meant, but suddenly found herself released. She was on her feet in a second and her panties fell to her ankles. Of her own accord she held her dress up about her waist.

  He smiled at her. “All your clothes, remove them.”

  Even with the radiating heat in her bottom, a shiver went through her. Her clit was pulsating furiously and her nipples had stiffened. She felt hypnotized, eager to obey him.

  “Could you please get my zip?” she asked nervously.

  Jahn nodded and stood up, turning her and bringing the zip down slowly. His hands glided the dress from her shoulders, down her arms until it fell to the floor. Unclipping her bra, he freed her breasts from it.

  Lena stood naked, feeling his eyes examining her. She sucked in air as he sat down again, patting his left thigh.

  “Come to me.”

  When she was between his legs, he took time to admire her breasts with his hands on her hips. A gentle kiss was given to each nipple before he turned her side on.

  “I won’t let you fall,” he assured her. “Just bend right over and hold onto my ankle.”

  The position became ominously clear of its purpose. Her body was bent sharply with her bottom at the apex. Her feet were tiptoed on the floor, her legs firmly secured between his, and her cheeks stretched taut. She was too off balanced to be able to struggle.

  He parted her cheeks and held them open. Lena moaned, knowing he was examining her anus, which in her nervous state, was clenching fiercely and putting on an unintended performance.

  He pushed her legs open wider and put his finger on her clit. Lena sucked in her breath as he slowly ran it between her lips and dipped gently into her wetness, trailing it up to her anus. It stayed there, rimming her.

  “You liked having the thermometer in your bottom, didn’t you?”

  She was tempted to lie, but he knew her too well.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  “Maybe I’ll have to keep a closer check on your health in these next few days, but for now you have a spanking that needs to be administered, as soon as you ask for it nicely.”

  Lena smiled at his demand. He knew there was no more resistance of her submission to him, but for her sake, it had to be spoken.

  The words came easily. “Please, Master, please punish me. I have disobeyed you and I need for you to spank my bare bottom until I never want to disobey you again.”

  “Good girl.”

  His hand came down on the base of her cheeks with unrelenting continuity. The pain was beyond anything Lena had imagined and she was helpless to resist it. For the next several minutes she had to resign herself to unheeded screams of pain and pleading. He gave her exactly what she had asked for and soon she was a blubbering, sobbing and very repentant recipient.

  Jahn didn’t skip a beat, ensuring that the entire area of her bottom had been given the benefit of his hand, several times. Despite the sounds of her misery, he was engrossed watching the darkening shades of red and feeling the heat in her flesh. He was in no hurry to stop, even with the sting in his palm. Her surrender to him was too precious.

  Only when she relaxed against his thigh, did he know that it was done. He sat back and rested his hand on her back, feeling strangely exhausted. He hadn’t failed her. He had given her something which they both needed and desired, but it had taken a toll on his emotions.

  Somehow, it was beyond anything he had experienced in far more violent scenarios. There was something different about their interaction which he was reluctant to comprehend. He felt an overwhelming compassion toward her misery and even remorse for having hurt her. This was not how he was supposed to feel and his lack of arousal was even more disturbing.

  In his confusion he suddenly gathered her up, not wanting to hear her anguished sobbing a moment longer. He carried her to the couch and set her down in his lap, cradling her tightly against him.

  “It’s over, little one,” he assured her. “Don’t cry anymore. Everything is forgiven.”

  When she finally gazed up at him, with red, wet eyes and a running nose, his heart wrenched as she smiled at him.

  Her voice trembled. “Did I please you?”

  Jahn had to swallow to answer. “You have no idea how much you pleased me. I’m proud of you, Lena.”

  Between the shuddering gasps of her breathing, she managed another whispered question. “Am I really forgiven?”

  “All of it, Lena. Everything is forgiven.”

  Fresh tears spilled onto her face but she smiled before resting her head against him. It was a small compensation, but it did help ease his guilt, knowing that she finally believed it herself.


  Lena lay naked on her front, her scarlet buttocks a stark contrast from the rest of her body. Jahn had fussed over her long after she had stopped crying and Lena could see the concern in his face. Only as she cheered up did he look happier, and she decided to enjoy the fire and pain in her bottom. It was his doing, and she could see the admiring glances he was giving his artwork. She almost wanted to see for herself.

  When he brought a cool, wet cloth to wash her face, Lena grinned. “I’d rather you put that on my bottom.”

  He shook his head. “No, that bottom can keep burning for a little longer.”

  “How does it look?”

  “Spectacular. It’s the deep red of the sky of a dying sun. You can almost see the heat rising from your cheeks. I don’t think I’ve seen anything more beautiful.” A grin broadened across his face. “In fact, I think it should be immortalized.”

  Lena frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll see.”

  She watched him go out of the apartment and heard him open the neighbouring door. When he returned, she was horrified to see a camera in his possession.

  “No photos,” she protested.

  His eyebrows arched. “And you’re giving the orders, are you?”

  “No, but I don’t want pictures of me naked.”

  “They are not for you, they’re for me, but I concede that I would not force you to pose if you felt that strongly about it.”

  She could see that he was disappointed. “Why do you want photos?”

  “I told you,” he smiled. “I think you look beautiful.”

  Knowing he meant it, she felt indecisive. “Who else would see them?”

  “No one. They are for my pleasure alone.”

  “I wouldn’t want to do some of the poses that your other women have done.”

  “I don’t want you like that. I want my naughty little girl being contrite in a corner, with her red bottom glowing against her fair skin.”

  Lena giggled. “That doesn’t sound sexy.”

  “It’s sexy to me.”

  “Show me how you would pose me.”

  He held out his hand. “Come with me, you naughty little girl.”

  Lena giggled and got up. Jahn took her to a corner and cleared his books away from it. Going to the window he held the curtain open, studying the light and shaking his head.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He went out and returned with two portable filtered ligh
ts, which he set up, lighting up the corner. When his attention returned to Lena, she quailed at the brush in his hand.

  “Only for your hair,” he assured her with a grin. “Unless you give me an excuse to use it on your bottom.”

  She stood nervously while he tenderly brushed her hair and arranged it to hang down her back. A small handful was positioned at the side of her face. Lena loved the attention until his next preparation, which was rubbing baby oil onto her red cheeks.

  “That hurts,” she complained.

  “It will hurt a lot more if you don’t keep still, and I have to renew the colour.”

  Lena stopped moving, content to wince intensely. When he was finished, she watched him stand back and admire her like a work of art. He moved the lights again and nodded that he was ready.

  “Now, I want to see the naughty girl who has just been disciplined.”

  Instead, Lena laughed. “I feel silly.”

  His brow narrowed. “Would you like me to help you get into character?”

  His threat only sent her into fits of giggles. “I can’t help it. You’re making me laugh.”

  When he approached, her laughter died down, but the smile remained as she shrunk backwards into the corner. Taking her arm he drew her out and turned her around.

  Lena braced for a smacking, but instead he pushed her upper body gently forward, bending her at the waist. His boot between her legs, tapping at her feet, getting her legs wider apart. Without warning his palm came up and cupped her vagina. His hand was perfectly still, just gently pressing against her labia.

  The urge to grind down on it became urgent as her clitoris came to life. Lena was sure he could feel it pulsating against him, but still nothing happened. As she tried to press back, his hand drew away and only returned when she stood still. With his fingertips so close to the tormenting beat, she felt desperate for more than his touch.

  His mouth came close to her ear. “How does that feel, having your cunt in my hand? Tell me.”

  She trembled. “I feel powerless, weak… desperate.”