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Master Page 22

  Lena beamed. “Then I am a criminal too. I did lots of naughty things with Jahn and I was very loud. Now I’m just very sore.”

  Natasha burst into laughter. “You are amazing, Lena.”

  “Not amazing enough to hold onto him.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t give you any hope. Jahn is who he is, but you should know that you have had more effect on him than any woman I’ve known him to be with, myself included.”

  “I’ve only ever heard him talk of you with affection, and as a woman. If you hadn’t told me, I would have no idea.”

  “It took a long time for Jahn to accept me, but he protected me anyway, and always treated me with respect. I’ve never asked more than that.”

  Lena smiled up at her. “He cares a great deal about you.”

  “As he does about you. I wish I could tell you how much, but he would probably hurt me, very badly.”

  “He wanted to arrest my grandfather. That’s why he has me.”

  “It may have started off that way, but I can assure you, that’s not why he has you now.”

  “I saw some of the women he has had. He had photos of them. They were beautiful, with stunning bodies. I know that I’m pretty to some degree, but nothing like them.”

  “What you don’t understand is that Jahn looks much further than an outward appearance. Over the years, he has demonstrated an uncanny ability to read people, an amazing judge of character if you prefer. He sees something in you that he has rarely come up against.”

  “And what is that?”

  “You’re kind and gentle, and incredibly innocent. In the violent world that Jahn has lived in, you’re like a breath of fresh air and you’re not out to get something for yourself.”

  “There are things that I want.”

  Natasha nodded. “I know. You want happiness. Most people want money or power, and Jahn has his own ambitions. He sees your simple need and it confronts him. You know, if he knew I was telling you all this, he wouldn’t be happy.”

  “We are girls together,” Lena beamed. “Girls like to share secrets that are not meant for male ears. We talk about them, not to them.”

  Natasha laughed. “That’s right. Now come, let’s get this dress for you. I know a shop that won’t throw me out.”

  “I feel like Cinderella,” Lena sighed. “I definitely have the ugly stepmother, and now I have a fairy godmother. All I need is my prince. Maybe something magical will happen on Friday night at midnight.”

  “I hope so, sweetheart.” Natasha took her hand and walked along, her heart growing heavy.

  Jahn had never got it this wrong. She only wished that he understood how wrong he was. No matter how much he had prepared her, Lena was a girl who still believed that she would have her happy ending.

  * * * *

  Jahn looked at what appeared to be a pile of rags laid out in a dark corner. Within several feet his nose was assaulted with the foul smell of human waste. Taking a moment to adjust, he approached cautiously and saw fearful, yellow eyes in a gaunt face turn to him.

  “I’m not here to harm you,” he told the man quietly. “I just want to know what’s wrong with you. Other people live here, and I need to know if I should be concerned.

  After a spluttering coughing fit, the man gasped for air and licked his thin lips. He gave a weak smile.

  “It’s nothing they will catch. I’m sorry. I thought I would be dead by now and this seemed a good enough place to die as any, out of the way and alone, like most of my life.”

  Jahn crouched down and studied him closer. “Why didn’t you go to the hospital?”

  The man huffed a laugh which brought on another bout of coughing. As he regained his breath, he cried out, his face distorted in pain. As it eased, tears ran down his face.

  “They don’t want my kind at the hospital. When I first contracted this nightmare, twelve years ago, a doctor in London told me that I had the disease that I deserved, and I would be dead soon. They’re not so nice in Ukraine.”

  “No, they’re not,” Jahn agreed. “The Soviet spent years declaring that HIV was a Western phenomenon, the product of their decadent behaviour. They were wrong.”

  The man frowned. “You seem to know more than most.”

  “I know you picked a strange place to die. You should have stayed in London. The treatment is far better, and they’re a little more sympathetic these days.”

  “Not much though.” More tears ran down his face. “I came home to die with my family. It didn’t quite work out that way. They called the authorities on me. My own father threatened to shoot me. I kind of wish he had.”

  “What is your name?”

  The man smiled. “Which one do you want? I’ve had several. I got out of the Soviet years ago after a particularly bad time in the prison. All those bastards who raped me are probably in the same predicament as me now. It would almost be justice, but I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone. Back then I was Sergei, the raging homosexual.”

  “So what do I call you now?”

  With a thoughtful gaze and smile he said, “Dylan.”

  “An English name?”

  “The name I had when my life had a bit of happiness. I travelled the world taking pictures, beautiful pictures. Me and my camera. They were great times.” His smile widened. “The magazines loved my pictures and I made a bit of money, until I got too sick.”

  “Well, Dylan,” Jahn sighed. “We can’t leave you here. You’re stinking up the place.”

  Dylan laughed. “I passed a dumpster on the way here. It looked good, comfortable, but I didn’t feel strong enough to contend with the rats. Now I don’t care.”

  “If that’s what you prefer. I was thinking a clean bed in a room, and some good drugs. They won’t cure you, but you’ll die with a grin on your face.”

  “You know I don’t believe you.” Dylan grimaced again as pain took hold. He breathed heavily and wept. “Have you at least got a gun? I’ve always hated knives. A bullet is so much quicker.”

  “I have both, but I was thinking morphine, and maybe some cannabis.”

  “Stop toying with a dying man,” Dylan’s mouth hung open in a grin. “It’s been months since I smoked some good weed. Next thing you’ll be telling me you have a cigarette.”

  Jahn shook his head. “Those things will kill you.”

  Dylan laughed and groaned. “Just what I need. A comedian. Whatever you’re going to do, please do it quickly. If dying isn’t enough, the pain is excruciating.”

  Shifting along, Jahn delicately lifted Dylan’s jumper, examining the extensive dark bruising on his skeletal body.

  “Broken ribs?”

  Dylan nodded.

  “It’s going to hurt like a bitch when I lift you.” He pulled out his case. “I’m going to give you some morphine. It will help until I can get you to a bed. I’ll give you a temporary clean for now, and I hope you’re not opposed to some adult diapers. I don’t want you shitting in my car.”

  The bloodshot yellowed eyes stared up at him under a frown. “You’re serious.” He watched Jahn fill a syringe. “Who are you?”

  “Someone who wants to know about your several names. I’m looking for one myself.”

  “You don’t have to go to so much trouble. I can just give you the name of someone who does some excellent passport adjustments. Hell, you can use my name. I’m not going to need it, and apart from an Australian bank account, you won’t find any other history, except a few credits in National Geographic.”

  Jahn pulled at the oversized trousers, exposing a bony hip. Swabbing the area, he injected the morphine. “What’s the last name?”

  “Tyler. Dylan Tyler, queer photographer extraordinaire.”

  “I do a bit of photography, though nothing National Geographic would want.”

  “There you go,” Dylan smiled. “Have it with my blessing, and put it to good use. It would almost be like I was still out there somewhere, long after I’m gone. In the meantime, what do I call you?”

sp; Holding out his hand, he smiled. “Jahn.”

  Looking at it, Dylan slowly reached out his own trembling hand and let it drop into the open palm, squeezing with his depleted strength. More tears ran down.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Jahn,” he whispered. “But it’s been many years since a man allowed me to touch him. Why would you bother? You certainly don’t look like a priest or a social worker.”

  “I’m trying to clock up points to be in the running for Pope.”

  Dylan laughed and then opened his eyes wide in wonder. “Wow! I feel high. It’s great.”

  “Keep that thought. It’s not going to be great when I move you.” Jahn pulled his bag closer and got out some latex gloves. “Just don’t get too excited as I take your clothes off.”

  “I get it now,” Dylan grinned. “I’m already dead and I’m in heaven, and you’re a fucking nice looking angel.”

  Jahn grinned and shook his head as he set to work.


  In the pale light of dawn, Lena startled at the warm body pressing against her, and she scrambled from the bed. The lamp came on, and Jahn peered at her through drowsy eyes.

  “It’s alright, Lena. It’s just me.”

  Her racing heart eased as her head cleared. Nodding, she climbed tentatively onto the bed and lay on her side, staring at him.

  Jahn smiled. “Are you alright?”

  She nodded again.

  “Then get back here and let me cuddle you.”

  She shifted closer and allowed his strong embrace to draw her against him. Her arm went around him, clutching him tightly as she buried her head into his chest, breathing in his scent and trembling.

  He shifted back and rose up on his elbow to frown at her. “What’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t look at him. “Just a bad dream.”

  “What did you dream?”

  Tears began to roll down her face. “That I was alone, and I was calling to you and I couldn’t find you. You were gone, forever, and it felt like when my mother died.”

  Frowning, Jahn brought her back into his arms. Rolling onto his back, he held her against his chest. “I’m sorry, Lena, for everything that I’ve done to you.”

  Lena lifted up to look at him. “I’m not. I’ve fallen in love with you, and it’s an incredible feeling. I feel so deliriously happy, and yet so devastatingly miserable. Isn’t it silly?”

  “Lena, don’t.”

  “I know you didn’t want to hear that, but I had to tell you or you would never have known.”

  Jahn stroked her hair. “I knew.”

  “That’s good,” Lena smiled. “Everyone should know that someone loves them. I tell Greta every day that I love her. I don’t think there would be much love in an orphanage. You don’t always have to hear it. Somehow you just know.”

  She suddenly brightened and grinned at him. “What are we going to do today?”

  “Anything you want,” he smiled.

  “I want you to do something new to me. I want to know if it is possible to feel any greater sensation than what you have done to me already.”

  Jahn gazed at her and brought his hand up to the back of her head. Holding her, he rolled her under him, his eyes not leaving hers for a moment. He studied her, before bringing his lips down to brush against hers, teasing her mouth open. His tongue pushed in deeply, softly crushing their lips together.

  He continued to kiss her as he shifted, raising his body over her, until he gently withdrew from her mouth, travelling his lips downward to assault her face, neck and shoulders. Lena closed her eyes, her fingers threaded through his hair, savouring his gentle passion, until he rolled on to his side next to her.

  Smiling at her, his eyes drifted to her breast. With his fingertips, he softly caressed her nipple, before leaning in to capture it between his lips, sucking and licking tenderly. Pulling away, he ran his hand down over her stomach.

  “Open yourself wide to me,”

  Lena dropped her knees to each side and spread as far as she could. As his warm hand cupped her vagina, she gasped and looked longingly at him, her breathing becoming shallow and heavy.

  “Keep looking at me,” he smiled as his finger slip between her labia, finding her clit.

  The continual gentle massage had her thighs twitching, wanting to close against the pulsation. Her expression became more desperate, but Jahn only smiled wider.

  “I’m going to tie you up,” he told her. “Your feet and hands together, tied to these posts, so every part of you is available to me, but first I need to know if you are too sore.”

  Lena smiled and shook her head. “Do anything you want to me. Everything is yours, for your pleasure.”

  His smile evolved to a frown as he gazed at her. “You wanted to know what beauty is to me. There is nothing more beautiful than you, right now, surrendering yourself to me in total trust. You need to know that you’ve given me, far more than I have given you. Always remember that.”

  “How could I ever forget anything about you?”

  He was on her again, kissing her deeply, before rolling from the bed. She watched him stride naked from the bedroom, only to return with towelling cords. He set about his task, looking at her often, taking his time binding her into position and adjusting her with pillows for comfort.

  When finished, he knelt back and examined her proudly, rolled up and exposed.

  “Comfy?” he smirked.

  “Nervous,” she replied, raising her head to see how exposed she was.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he assured her. “But you will be screaming before I am done.”

  He began lightly spanking her upturned buttocks and vagina, adding a new dimension by pulling her cheeks apart to spank her anus with his fingertips. He built the intensity slowly, leaving no area unattended. Keeping her head up, Lena was able to observe what he was doing to her, and whimpered at the sting and her swelling desperation.

  Jahn took his time, enjoying each smack, giving her the occasional reward of dipping his fingers into her soaking cunt and fucking her until he could feel the start of an orgasm.

  “Naughty girl.” His gravelled voice was menacing. “You will only come when I allow it.”

  He spanked her harder until her buttocks and vagina were blushing pink. Lena was moaning and looking at him desperately.

  “Please,” she cried.

  He shook his head and lowered his face to her vagina, using his thumbs to spread her labia while he took long, slow licks from perineum to clit. Lena yelled, overwhelmed by the tension inside her. Gripping her buttocks, he glided his tongue around her anus, until it suddenly pushed inside.

  Lena’s eyes widened in horror. “No not that. Not there, don’t do that.”

  Her pleas were ignored and she found herself having to endure what he was doing to her, with no sign of giving up. Closing her eyes tightly, she tried not to think about it, but the sensation was not going to be ignored.

  It was inconceivable that something so wrong could feel so good. Her vagina was responding wildly, with a throbbing clit and deep inner contractions. Her stomach was tight, and Lena felt she would explode if release didn’t come soon. Only her embarrassment was holding her back.

  As his tongue penetrated deeper, she sighed in resignation, knowing he would not stop until she finally let go. As her brain fogged with endorphins, her climax came with the scream that he had predicted, and a flood of fluid, running down over her cheeks. She was barely aware as he rose up and eased his cock into her vagina, fucking her gently as her orgasm continued.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes, her breathing laboured. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  He grinned. “It doesn’t get better than that.”

  “I believe you, but it doesn’t make it right.”

  “Whatever I choose to do to you is right. Your body is mine, every part of it, to kiss or lick, spank or fuck. Is that understood?”

  Lena smiled. “Yes, Master.”

  She had no objections to
his claim on her, and would have gladly been a willing body for him to use forever, in whatever way he chose. He was watching his penis slide in and out of her, and it was enough just to see his enjoyment.

  Falling forward over her, his powerful arms held him up, trapping her between them. The black, untidy hair was shadowing his face, but she could see the startling blue eyes gazing down on her.

  As his breathing grew heavier, they closed with his approaching climax. His face reflected his concentration as his thrusts grew firmer. Closing her eyes, Lena listened to the slapping of his body against her and breathed in the scent of sex and body heat. She savoured the feel of him inside her, and marvelled as she heard his deep groan.

  Still tied up, there was nothing she could do, to wipe at the tears rolling down her face. She yearned to hold him, but stayed silently content in his bondage. He had given himself to her as much as he could, and she could ask no more. Whatever happened now in their remaining time, whether he spoke the words or not, there were no more doubts. It was like she had said, “Somehow you just know.”

  * * * *

  Another day and night faded away to a memory. Somewhere in that time they had walked in the park and had a picnic by the lake. She had laid in his arms and stared up at the clouds. There had been a few interruptions with Jahn excusing himself from the apartment to do whatever work he did. When the night came, he had kept her naked and demonstrated how much her body was his to use.

  Friday morning came suddenly and Lena was trying not to dwell on what it meant. The thought of not waking up with him again was too unbearable. Jahn was still asleep beside her and she was content to watch him breathe.

  She didn’t want him to see her fear and pain. On their last day together, she wanted to be happy and spend a lot of time in his arms. Her body was sore inside and out, and it felt wonderful. It made her think about the women in his photos. Was this what they felt, that pain was just the reminder that they had been in his hands and at his mercy? The bruises and welts on their bodies had been put there by him, and they displayed them proudly.