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Sins of the Master Page 22
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Page 22
Sadly, she watched him return to the kitchen, knowing that he was trying to keep his temper under control. Of all the rules she could have broken, she had chosen the worst by compromising her safety, and now she was deceiving him. It was time to come clean, even if she held back some of the details.
From the kitchen, she could hear James doing dishes and she hurried to finish her breakfast. When she took her plate out to him, he took it from her silently, rinsing it and stacking it into the dishwasher.
“James, please,” she said softly. “Don’t be angry with me.”
“I’m alright,” he told her quietly. “I want to clean up first and then we can get your punishment over and done with, and maybe enjoy the rest of the day.”
Mairead winced. James only had half the story. She could only imagine how furious he would be if he knew the full extent of what had occurred.
He got the dishwasher started and looked at her. “And I’ll have those track pants now, thank you.”
“James, please…”
“Now,” he said firmly. “And you can stand in the corner and have a good think about why you’re there.”
Mairead nodded glumly, sliding her pants down and off, just as James’ phone rang. He retrieved it from the bench and looked at the screen, frowning as he answered it.
“Yes?” His face relaxed. “Good morning, Dylan… No, we just finished breakfast. What can I do for you?”
Mairead groaned inwardly. This couldn’t be happening.
“Yes, she’s here… No, she hasn’t said anything to me. What’s this about?”
She knew exactly what it was about and silently cursed Dylan’s timing. Of course, there had been plenty of time to tell James herself, but she’d allowed herself to believe that nothing would come of it.
As James listened silently, still staring at her, Mairead could see his expression darken, until she had to look away.
“I wasn’t aware of any of it,” James said. “And I’m sorry that you had to be the one to tell me.”
Mairead didn’t want to hear any more and began to walk off. She didn’t get as far as the door when James spoke sharply.
“Stay here.”
She turned, keeping her head down. James was listening and nodding. “Yes, I agree. Again, I apologise for what happened and I will certainly attend to it.”
When he hung up, James stared at the wall silently before turning to her. “Was there something you were going to tell me?”
She shook her head. “I wasn’t going to tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Because you would have done what you’re doing now, been angry with me over something stupid, something that shouldn’t have happened. At the time, it just seemed trivial.”
“Trivial?” He repeated the word angrily. “You regard your actions as trivial?”
For a moment she couldn’t answer, as she recalled the huge man getting out of the car and reaching into his pocket as he approached. She remembered the angry drivers around her and Esther’s face white with terror.
“I asked you a question.”
Mairead stared down at the floor. “It was dangerous.”
“Yes, it was, and you chose to put Esther and other people in jeopardy, after she had requested to ring Dylan. You assumed they were journalists, but again, like this morning, you didn’t know. I want to know why I’ve heard none of this until now, and why you’ve acted so irresponsibly.”
“I don’t know,” she replied bitterly. “Maybe I’m sick of people coming after me, thinking they’ve got a right to invade my life and ruin my day, when I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Why can’t people just leave me the fuck alone?”
Mairead stared down at the floor with tears running down her face. Any moment, she expected James to upend her over the bench and lay into her backside. Instead he approached her slowly and went to draw her into his arms. She pulled away and shook her head.
“No, don’t comfort me,” she told him. “I don’t deserve to be comforted. I lied to you. The man this morning wasn’t a journalist. He was an Australian car salesman named Brendan North and he grabbed me and held me against his car, and I was terrified. The men the other day, weren’t journalists either. One of them got out of the car and was coming towards us, which is why I took off like I did.”
James stared at her. “Firstly, tell me you’re alright.”
“I’m alright.”
“I can’t believe this, Mairead. After everything we’ve been through, you still haven’t got enough sense in that head of yours to look after yourself properly. I can’t let you out of my sight for two fucking minutes.”
“Don’t talk to me like that.” Mairead glared back at him. “You weren’t there. I did the best I could with those men the other day, and yes, I shouldn’t have gone after Brendan this morning, but I’m sick of being afraid.”
“Afraid keeps you safe and stops you acting irresponsibly.”
“It also stifles my fucking life, and makes me cling to you and takes away all my independence. I don’t have faith in myself anymore, James, and neither do you.”
He sighed. “Mairead, I have plenty of faith in you, but you’re still affected by everything else you’ve been through.”
“And I want to get better, and I can’t do that if I’m hiding away all the time.”
“I’m sorry, Mairead, but time is what you need, because you’re still a long way from caring for yourself properly, as your recent actions prove. Go and have a shower and get dressed while I ring the police.”
“No, James, no,” Mairead whined. “I’m not dealing with the police.”
“Yes, you are, because for all we know, this is something to do with Adele and I’m shutting it down before it gets out of hand.”
“We don’t know that,” Mairead protested. “And what do I tell them? That I chased after Brendan for walking onto our property. He would argue that he was defending himself and I’d be in all sorts of shit again. The other men I don’t know anything about. What about Dylan? He’s got more chance than the police of finding out what this is about.”
“This is not Dylan’s problem.”
“Why don’t you just ask him? He can only say no.”
James pursed his lips angrily, still glaring at her. “Don’t you think Dylan has had to put up with enough from us?”
“Please, James,” she pleaded. “Just ask him. If he says no, I’ll talk to the police.”
If she was right, Mairead was certain he’d be very interested the moment he heard Brendan’s name.
“Fine. But first, get yourself here, right now.”
She shuffled to him, keeping her eyes down. James lifted her and sat her bare bottom down on the cold marble, pushing himself between her legs. Her face was now level with his.
“Look at me.”
She looked and saw that his expression had softened. “I’ll excuse your profanity this time. Next time you’ll get a big dose of castor oil poured down your throat. I know that it hasn’t been easy for you, and I wish as much as you do, that these arseholes would leave us alone, but you won’t stop it by doing dangerous stunts, or keeping information from me. Your actions could have had serious consequences for yourself and others. Do you understand that?”
Mairead nodded miserably. “I know I was wrong not to tell you. I just wanted to have a great day with you, and not have you angry at me, like you were the other night. I hate feeling that this thing comes between us and separates us. I don’t want to be apart from you in any way.”
“Baby, nothing will ever separate us, or have any bearing on how much I love you, and I’m trying to keep the anger out of it. I know I can be unreasonable, and I hate that it stops you from being honest with me.”
“It doesn’t,” she smiled. “That’s just old habits. I didn’t expect that arsehole to grab me. It came right out of the blue, and then I knew I had been stupid to go after him.”
“Tell me truthfully, are you hurt?”
“No, j
ust a little upset.”
“And he told you his name?”
“No, it was on a card he dropped. It’s in my track pants.”
“Alright,” James nodded. “Now listen to me. After I’ve dealt with you, I’m going to check the footage on the cameras and then I’m going to ring Dylan. I want to find this prick. For all we know, he could be someone who’s seen you at the club and taken a fancy to you, and then we need to involve the police, whether you like it or not. Is that understood?”
Mairead nodded and grinned. “Sounds perfect.”
“Don’t look too smug.” James narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re not off the hook by any means, little girl. You need a sound reminder that there is behaviour I won’t tolerate.”
Mairead swallowed nervously as he lifted her down from the bench and took a firm grip of her hand.
“What kind of reminder?” she asked timidly.
“The kind that leaves your bottom roasted and your clit aching for attention, which it won’t be getting today.”
James led her into the dining room. Mairead gasped as she felt her stomach tighten and her clit pulsate in anticipation. It was the tangible herald of all the excitement, arousal and dread of what was coming. It got worse as James pulled out a chair and brought it away from the table.
He sat down and patted his thigh. “Get over and get comfortable.”
No matter how many times she had done this, it was always a little humiliating bending over his lap for a spanking. Her bottom was still cold from sitting on the marble bench, but in minutes it would be well heated and not in a good way.
As Mairead lowered her body, James took over and positioned her to his liking, raising his knee a little to elevate his target. He gave her a few customary pats to remind her how big and hard his palm was.
“Legs spread wider and arch that bottom up nice and high.”
She gasped silently as she obeyed, knowing he was deliberately arousing her. He now had a clear view of her sex and her clit was pressed into his jeans. Her vagina was responding, clenching and getting wet.
James ran his finger between her labia. “Excited, baby? I take it you’re more focussed on your little throbbing clit right now, than on your bad behaviour. Would I be right?”
“I don’t want to answer that,” Mairead pouted. “On the grounds that it might make things worse. Just spank me, James, and I’m sure I’ll get in the right frame of mind.”
She felt him shake with a silent laugh and couldn’t help smiling herself, as she imagined herself in this position for years to come. Clutching the calf of his leg, her body relaxed and she felt peaceful and secure again, deciding it wasn’t the worse place to be on a Sunday.
James took a firm hold of her. “This is just a warm-up. I want to get this bottom nicely heated and sore before I apply the paddle. Of course, there will be some corner time in between.”
Mairead knew only too well how James’ expertise in discipline, allowing enough time for her bottom to cool off before the paddle administered a whole new degree of pain.
“Let’s get started,” he said.
It was an ominous announcement of a punishment that promised to be long and painful. Within the first few seconds, Mairead had no doubts as James set to work, soundly spanking the entire area of her buttocks. His palm concentrated on the fleshy mounds, applying several repeats to the same area, leaving only the base of her cheeks untouched for later.
The pain was enormous and Mairead gasped, whimpered and sobbed as he continued, but not entirely from the spanking. She was desperately aroused by everything James was doing to her, establishing his authority, chastising her bottom and imparting that one sensation that could reduce her to tears or have her soaring in ecstasy.
After a few minutes of an uninterrupted spanking, James paused to shift her legs between his and clamp down on them. He adjusted her further forward so that her face was closer to the carpet and her bottom was higher.
Mairead pulled a face, knowing what was coming. The spanking resumed solely upon the untouched base of her cheeks and the tops of her thighs, which soon had her remembering that she was there for punishment only.
After driving several blocks, Brendan had pulled over. For an hour he had sat listlessly staring out at the neighbourhood. Occasionally, he gave the steering wheel a pummelling with his hand. He couldn’t understand what happened. Adele had not said one word about security cameras or even mentioned a security system. It wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t been seen by Mairead. The footage would have been overwritten within a day or so, but now they had a reason to look at it.
The whole morning was a fucking disaster. All his hard work to maintain anonymity had been shot down by one nasty bitch and a security camera. Once James saw the footage, he would remember their encounter at the club. It might just be enough to interest the cops.
At least Mairead had no physical evidence that he’d attacked her. Brendan had to acknowledge that it might have got bad if he hadn’t seen the nosy neighbour approaching them. He’d liked the way her body was pressed under him and he could see her fear. The way her tits had jiggled, he knew she’d had no bra on. If it wasn’t for the neighbour, he might have copped a good feel or even got his hand down her pants. He could only imagine the face on her as he shoved his fingers deep in her cunt. She may have even enjoyed it.
He had a right to be angry with the slut. The nerve of her, swearing at him and demanding ID. Adele had been right about her obnoxious mouth. It was just a pity she was wrong about everything else.
There hadn’t been one sign of Tyler. Brendan had staked out the place since dawn and had seen the Mercedes leave. The house had been silent long after that, offering the perfect opportunity to look for any doors left open. That was before he had seen the security cameras.
Adele hadn’t said anything about security cameras. Now he was exposed and would have to lay low, keeping to the apartment. He had plenty to keep himself occupied and he could still go out at night, or bring some entertainment in. The thought of his dark skinned whore had him feeling better instantly. She was just what he needed to deal with this crisis.
He searched for a number, rang it and waited for the gruff voice to answer. Instead he got a message that the number was no longer in service. Cursing, Brendan tossed his phone onto the dash and wondered how this day could possibly get worse.
* * * * *
Returning to the lounge, James was greeted by the sight of Mairead’s crimson bottom in the corner. The entirety of her plump cheeks had been consistently reddened to contrast effectively with her pale skin.
She was standing silently, hands on her slightly bowed head with her legs wide apart. James could imagine how wet she would be, yearning to touch herself and get some relief. It was tempting to give in to her. Her ordeal that morning was worrying him, knowing how she internalised much of her anxiety.
He certainly had no desire to punish her further, but it was important that he followed through. Punishment helped her to let go of her guilt and frustration. Unattended, she found ways to punish herself that only drew her deeper into dark moods.
Of course, it didn’t mean that it was going to be entirely unpleasant for him, and these moments provided an opportunity to indulge a few sexual pleasures of his own. Coming up behind her, James softly caressed her bottom, before running his hands up her sides and onto her breasts. Her nipples were swollen and hard, and she moaned as he touched them. He buried his face into the nape of her neck, grazing his lips up its length until he softly kissed her ear.
“Now you’ve gone and got my cock hard,” he whispered. “I’m going to need you do something about that.”
“Yes, James.”
“Come with me.”
He led her to the couch and sat down. Standing her between his legs, he sat back and undid his belt and jeans. The desire in her gaze was evident as he pushed his jeans and underwear down enough to free his stiff cock.
p; “Kneel down.”
Mairead knelt and leaned forward to take him into her mouth. He fisted her hair into a tight grasp. “Every drop, Mairead, or I’ll thrash your arse.”
He grinned to see her shudder with lust as she eagerly drew his cock into her mouth, sucking and licking desperately. Her devotion to the task soon had him breathing harder with the prelude to a great climax. Her lips and tongue had everything else fading to black in his mind. His fingers ran through her hair and fisted it when release came, not allowing her to pull her head away.
Mairead put up no resistance and he eagerly used her mouth until he was blissfully satisfied. Snapping from his euphoria, he looked down to see Mairead gazing up at him, licking her lips. It was enough to excite him again, but there were other matters to be dealt with.
“Well done,” he smiled, restoring his jeans.
She smiled. “Did I do well?”
James laughed, reaching down to haul her up into his arms. “You did fantastic.”
There was only love in her eyes and James felt his heart wrench with guilt. It wasn’t easy being a bastard, but it certainly had its perks.
“Did you enjoy that, baby?”
“Yes, James,” she grinned.
“Not as much as I did,” he laughed. “I’d love to be sucking your clit right now. What a pity you were such a naughty girl.”
Mairead sighed. “You’re not kidding.”
“Go and have another shower and freshen up, again,” he told her, trying to keep the authority in his voice. “I’m going to ring Dylan, before we begin the next part of your punishment.”
Mairead gulped and got up sullenly, but as she went to go, James took her hand and fluently drew her back over his knee.
“That’s yes, thank you, James,” he told her, running his hand over her bottom. He gave her a few gentle spanks as he taunted her. “It’s the Lexan paddle next, baby. After your shower, I want you to thoroughly wet some panties under the cold water and put them on. It’s been a long time since we’ve done that, because I know how much you hate that hard unyielding acrylic paddling your cold, wet bottom. Certainly gets the tears flowing.”