Sins of the Master Read online

Page 5

  Adele looked at Melanie sadly. “Have you ever thought of getting some counselling, to talk about what you went through?”

  “I got some, but all the counselling in the world doesn’t change what happened.” She reached down to the chair beside her and brought up a half filled bottle of Vodka. “This, on the other hand, will dull a lot of shitty memories.”

  Adele thanked her again and went to leave when Melanie stopped her.

  “You want this man. Well, I’ll show you something,” she said. “Stay there.”

  She left the room and it was some twenty minutes before she returned, holding a yellowing newspaper.

  “Grandma had all these papers lying around. There’s stacks of them going back forty years. I read them, because I’ve got nothing else to do. The TV died months ago. This one is from 1999 and talk about weird.”

  Adele took it and looked at the headline: Journalist in court for defamation.

  “What’s it about?”

  “Read it.”

  Adele skimmed over the article, learning of a reporter, Brendan North, that had accused a woman, Mary Whittaker, of lewd conduct in a public place. Her interest peaked upon seeing the word ‘Master’ and her heart picked up pace.

  “Can I take this with me?”

  “Yeah sure. I already know it’s him from the description, the blue eyes, the tattoos, the way she called him Master. I reckon that reporter was telling the truth and the government did him over.”

  “I’ll certainly look into it.”

  Adele thanked her and hurried back to her car. Taking her phone out, she tapped the number for her father and waited to hear his voice.

  “Yes, Adele?”

  “Dad, I need to ask you something odd. Can you remember a scandal, about fourteen years ago, something to do with a reporter, Brendan North, and some woman named Mary Whittaker?”

  “I remember it well,” he replied. “Anyone who was around in Parliament back then remembers it. Mary was assistant to the Clerk of the House. North was some rookie reporter claiming to have seen her having a sexual rendezvous with some biker type. Of course it was all lies. The reporter got sued.”

  “And where is Mary now? Is she still at the Beehive?”

  “Well, no, she got murdered back about seven or eight years ago. That was the bigger scandal. By then, Mary was head of Intelligence and director of the GCSB. She’d been in London for a meeting with other international heads of security. Somehow, she ended up being murdered and dumped in a Paris river.”

  “I remember that now,” Adele gasped. “I know who she is. She wasn’t supposed to be in Paris. The case was never solved, was it?”

  “No. Two countries launched massive investigations to come up with nothing. Then the Americans got involved and the whole government network was gone through with a fine tooth comb. There were allegations of spying and all sorts. Why did you want to know?”

  “I’ll tell you about it tonight.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, Dad, everything is fine.”

  Adele hung up and sat back in her seat, her heart still beating rapidly. She was reluctant to get excited until she knew more, but it was hard to dismiss such a coincidence. Reading the story again only strengthened her belief.

  “It’s you, Dylan Tyler,” she whispered. “I know it is, and I’m going to find you.”


  Wairarapa, New Zealand. October 2013

  The silhouettes of pine trees spiked upon distant hills against a spectacular backdrop of pink clouds, streaked with gold in a dark grey sky. The golden arc of the sun had descended behind them, leaving the chill of the spring evening.

  Sitting on the garden bench, Dylan stared at the scene, rather than allow his gaze to drop to the photo in his hand. He wasn’t sure why he had taken it out of his safe. The memories were bad enough, without looking at her, but somehow she just made things seem better.

  An emotion filled day had drained him and he was fast losing his patience with Esther. Sooner or later she would understand that he would not be swayed from his decision. It was right, just as his other decisions were, even if they were painful. Mistakes had been made and it was time to move on. No one knew more than he did, the agony of saying goodbye. It was just the way it had to be.

  Slowly his gaze fell to the photo and was captured by the fair skin and curve of the feminine naked body. Her innocence glowed in her smile and wide eyes, until he was yearning to be able to touch her again, feel her body in his hands and breathe in her scent. He could almost hear her giggling as she thrust her red bottom out at him.

  He became aware of somebody near and turning in his chair, his heart picked up pace as he watched the approach of a plump, shadowed figure, small, round and amply curved. There was something dangling from her hand, like a doll.

  Dylan stood up but couldn’t move as he called to her softly. “Lena.”

  Tammy stopped and frowned at him. “I keep telling you, I’m not Lena.”

  He snapped from his distorted reverie and shook his head angrily, putting the photo back inside his jacket. He could now see the teddy bear Tammy was holding, but as his gaze shifted to her chubby face, he frowned.

  “What do you want, Tammy?”

  Her mouth was pouted. “Esther has been crying again.”

  “What about?”

  “She says you want to get rid of her.” Tammy looked at him suspiciously and pouted. “Why do you want to get rid of Esther?”

  “I don’t want to get rid of her,” he insisted angrily. “It’s just time for her to move on.”

  “You want her to go to France and be with Yvette. That’s getting rid of her and I don’t like it. No one comes here anymore and if Esther goes, I won’t have anyone.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “You’ll have me.”

  Tammy eyed him sulkily. “I always have you, but you work all the time and I’ll have no one to talk to. What am I supposed to do then? I don’t want Esther to go.”

  Dylan pulled her back with him onto his lap as he sat down again. He stroked her hair and cuddled her tightly. “Just because she moves on, it doesn’t mean you won’t see her again. They all come back.”

  “Not lately, because you won’t let them.”

  “No, and I have my reasons, the same reason that I need Esther to go, for her own good. She will never be fully healed by staying here and her behaviour of late has proven that to me.”

  “But she says that you are the only one who understands her and doesn’t judge her.”

  “She does enough damage judging herself.”

  Tammy’s face fell and she looked away from him.

  Dylan’s eyes narrowed and bored into her. “What?”


  “Tell me, or you’ll be spending the next week going to bed early, with a sore, red arse.”

  Tammy’s pout grew more pronounced. “That’s so unfair. Esther made me promise not to say anything.”

  “Any promises made to keep anything from me are overruled, by me.” He lifted her chin to make her look at him. “You have three seconds. One…”

  “Esther cut herself,” Tammy said quickly. “Just a little one, on her leg.”

  Dylan nodded. “That’s it. This gets dealt with tonight.”

  He held onto Tammy and stood up, hoisting her up and over his shoulder. Tossing her dress up, he pulled her panties down under her cheeks and swatted her soundly several times. “You don’t even think about keeping secrets from me. Is that understood?”

  Tammy whimpered, “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Now let’s go sort out this other whining female.”

  He carried her all the way to the distant house and put her down on the veranda that ran the length of the long mansion. Opening one of the double French doors for Tammy, he followed as she entered into the informal lounge room.

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s in the theatre.”

  “Of course she is.” Dylan bent down t
o look into her eyes. “I need time alone with her. I want you to get ready for bed on your own tonight and I will join you later. I want no disturbances. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She gazed anxiously at the face looming before her. “Are you going to punish Esther?”

  “My business with Esther is none of yours.”

  Tammy drew in a sharp breath and nodded, wiping at an escaping tear. Dylan straightened up and looked down at the short, chubby woman who barely reached his chest in height. His gazed softened.

  “No one cares for any of you as much as I do, and that goes for Esther as well. My decisions are not made lightly. Now, go to bed and later tonight we might have some fun.”

  Her face lit up. “And Esther too?”

  “Yes,” he growled. “Now go.”

  He guided her out into a towering hallway, which ended with a giant cathedral window, illuminated by a multi-tiered chandelier. The soft light fell on white marble floors and life sized statues of naked men and women, all with collars and chains. There were several doors that ran down each side of the massive hallway and another hallway coming off it to the right.

  When Tammy had rounded the corner, he turned to one and opened it, revealing a small staircase that led to black double doors. At the top, he punched a code into a keypad.

  The massive room was in darkness, with one solitary light shining down on the stage. In the circle of light, Esther was kneeling with her head bowed low. She was naked apart from her collar and cuffs on her wrists and ankles. Her blonde hair and pale skin, along with a small, thin body made her seem fragile. The light was stark enough to see the puffiness of her eyes, the tell-tale sign of her misery.

  Slipping off his leather jacket, he tossed it aside to the floor and stood gazing at her from the distance. Despite his frustration, he was aroused by the sight of her. He smiled, knowing that she was offering herself to him, hoping that she could tempt his carnal need. It amused him that they always believed they knew him so well. Maybe if she had known the sadistic violence he was capable of, she wouldn’t be so eager.

  He flicked two switches on and lit up the stage in its entirety. Esther didn’t move and her submission was inciting everything that made the blood heat in his veins. Circling her in a wide arc, he studied her body and sensed her excitement, but there was something else.

  She was angry. There was too much pride and determination in her posturing, almost as if she was demanding the physical attention he’d denied her for three weeks. It had caused more tears than any thrashing he could have given her, but she still wasn’t getting the message.

  His attempt that day, to talk with her about her future hadn’t gone well. She saw it as a rejection, rather than the opportunity it presented to bring her some happiness. The stuttered intake of her breath was enough to know that this was another bad situation. A new, bright red line on the inside of her thigh was further evidence.

  It was a test to see what he would do. Esther hadn’t cut herself for two years, having found enough release in punishment and humiliation. To revisit her harmful habit, was her way of telling him that she was still as broken as when she had first come to him. Dylan knew better, but something drastic was needed before she returned to a path of self-destruction.

  He strolled towards her. “Are you starting to dictate when I attend to you, Esther?”

  She nearly looked up, but held her head still, her eyes widening in despair. “No, Master, I would never do that. I am just here, at your convenience.”

  “So I could just leave you there and come back in the morning, or whenever I feel like it?”

  “Yes, Master. I am not worthy of any special attention.”

  “And yet, here you are, hoping that I will bring you some peace by beating you, punishing you for your crimes. Would that be a fair assumption?”

  “I made you angry again today. I didn’t mean to, but I can’t stop thinking…”

  “If I was angry you would have known about it. You stated your opinion and I stated mine and mine is the only one that counts.”

  “Master,” she whispered. “I understand now what I have done wrong.”

  He sighed. “Let’s hear it.”

  “I should never have gone after Richard Lewis. I caused you so much trouble. Because of me, you had to come out into the world, and people might have seen you, and now Mairead and James know about you. I should have left it alone and that’s why you want to send me away.”

  “I see,” he replied. “So the fact that Lewis is now in jail and no other innocent girl will ever be hurt by him again is unimportant?”

  “No, but…”

  “But nothing. I made the choice to come after you. I knew the risks. I could have left you out there and never troubled myself with you again, but I came looking for you.”

  She dared to raise her eyes to him. “Why?”

  He stared at her for a moment. “Because you needed me. Whether I liked it or not, what you were doing was right, and you succeeded.”

  “Then I don’t understand why you are sending me away.”

  “Because that’s the way it works,” he told her coldly. “They come, I satisfy them and I send them back to the world, to make a life for themselves. Some I release entirely. Most stay connected by fulfilling other needs I have, but that’s your choice, not mine. You can always go back to your family.”

  “No.” Esther shook her head. “They don’t understand me. Mum just keeps blaming herself and Stephen hates me. He says that I’ve shamed our family, that I invited those men to use me because I was always a slut.”

  “And you believe that?”

  She looked up at him. “You’ve seen it for yourself, Master. I’ve always had sick fantasies. Even after what they did to me, I still went looking to fill sexual needs. That tells you what kind of person I am.”

  “It does. It tells me that you were no longer a victim and had regained the power they had taken from you. They used your body without your consent and then you brought it to me of your own volition, a gift that I have always honoured, a fucking lot more than you ever have.”

  “It’s a damaged gift.” She bowed weakly. “Not worthy of you and your kindness. You’ve hidden me from the world and allowed me to heal, which is more than I’ve deserved.”

  “What is it that you deserve, Esther? Punishment? Suffering? I thought I’d given you plenty of that? Obviously not.”

  “You’ve given me everything, Master, but especially your kindness.”

  “You’re right.” He nodded thoughtfully. “Perhaps I should make you suffer more, but you have to understand, it’s not an easy task. The harder I beat you, the more peace you feel with yourself, so I’m actually rewarding you for inconveniencing myself. Now how do I get around that, Esther?”

  She looked confused. “I… I don’t know, Master… I…”

  “Those men who raped and tortured you, they seemed to have the right idea.” He spoke casually. “How did that go, Esther? Being forced to do something, completely against your will, not like this, where a simple word will save you, or maybe it won’t tonight. Maybe we could try something very different.”

  Her mouth opened but no words were spoken. Only her breathing grew heavier as she stared at the floor.

  “It all took place somewhere similar to this, didn’t it, with all sorts of equipment to restrain you, to hold you down while men did things to your body, touching you, invading you, causing you pain that you had never dreamt possible.” He laughed derisively. “And you loved it, didn’t you, not being able to resist them, being totally at their mercy. It meant you could be the slut you had always wanted to be, without taking responsibilities for your warped mind and actions, not like this, where you still have an ounce of power.”

  “No, Master, it was different…”

  “Of course it was different. They tossed you aside when they had finished with you. That’s why you came to me, to relive that night, to relive the fantasy and I’ve not given you what you want.
Instead I’ve given you worthless lectures about safety and constantly reminded you that you are still in control. That’s not what you wanted, was it, Esther? You wanted me to crush you, take you beyond the forbidden and totally violate you. You wanted to be completely powerless. Well, let’s do that, then. I’m up for it.”

  Esther emitted a shallow gasp. “I don’t understand, Master...”

  “Of course you do, you stupid bitch.” His voice grew harsher. “You want the real deal, the total loss of empowerment. No safe guards, no mercy, no guarantees that you’ll make it out in one piece, but it doesn’t matter does it, because you’re not worth anything and I should be free to totally abuse you any way I fucking want, shouldn’t I?”

  She looked confused, but nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  “I bet you loved it, having strangers have their way with you.”

  “No, I didn’t want what they were doing.”

  “Yeah you did. You’ve told me all about your perverted fantasies. That means you must have wanted it. How could it be rape, when you had already fantasised about the very things they did to you. It might have been a little unpleasant, but you still liked it. That must have meant that you wanted it. Why else would you have come to me, if not for the same treatment?”

  Tears were streaming down her face and her voice was barely a whisper. “You told me you could help me, and you did…”

  “What a little fool you are. I told you what you wanted to hear so I could fuck you, Esther. Do you really think I give a fuck about a stupid cunt like you? I’ll show you how much I care.”

  He pulled her up and towards a stainless steel bench, with restraints dangling from all four corners and chains hanging above it from the ceiling. “And when I’m finished with you, I’ll get it right this time and toss you out in a back alley like they did.”

  She suddenly screamed out, “Yellow.”

  “Yellow what?” Dylan smirked. “I told you. This is the real deal, Esther. Forget fucking safe words. We don’t need them. Fuck knows, you never use them. It’s just you and me tonight. Tammy’s in bed and I can do whatever I want to you, and you can scream every colour in the fucking rainbow and nothing will save you, just as you want it to be. Tonight we’re going to have a lot of fun together, you and me, but only one of us may come out of it.”