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Page 11

  “We’ll see at the conclusion. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been denied what I want.”

  “Not this time.” The old man reached inside his coat and brought out a passport, holding it out to Jahn. “A little incentive.”

  Opening it, Jahn stared down at his photo, frowning at the strange name and details. “Who picked the name?”

  “One of the girls at the bureau. She said that it sounded classy.”

  Placing the passport into the inner pocket of his jacket, Jahn smiled. “It will grow on me.”

  “Just like Jahn Zaleski?” The old man grinned. “You know, the only one we ever traced was some old Estonian farmer that had died twenty years before you were born, and we found no connection.”

  “Is that right?”

  The old man shook his head. “Maybe when this is all over, you might tell us who you were before we found you. As you said, times have changed.”

  Jahn looked at him. “But memories don’t.”

  “I didn’t know you back then,” the old man said sadly. “And I can’t guarantee I would have done anything differently. How you got from the Gulag to the Army, I will never know, and they certainly couldn’t entice it out of you, but in the end it was our gain. You’ve earned your freedom. Just give us Victor Makarov.”

  Jahn nodded. “You’ll have your man.”


  For the last hour, Lena had kept glancing toward the bucket, as the urgency in her stomach grew stronger. Using it to relieve her bladder was one thing, but the thought of anything more disgusted her. The fact that she had used the bathroom many times without incident was making a strong case in her head. Five minutes was all it would take to slip out, find relief and be back in the apartment.

  The thought that Jahn might catch her was more exciting than intimidating. It would certainly reveal if his threats had any substance, and whether reality was as stimulating as fantasy. Not that she wanted him angry with her, just annoyed enough to instil a little harmless discipline, and exude some of that dominance that aroused her so much.

  A desire for adventure was just another aspect of this taste for life that was growing in her, and a trip to the bathroom was hardly extreme. Her mind made up, Lena strode to the door and quietly unlocked it.

  Her heart beat a little faster as she made her move, but not before she had placed her shoe at the foot of the door. The thought of locking herself out was more than she was prepared to deal with.

  As she had figured, she was back at the door within five minutes, relieved and delighted that her mission had been a success. About to step back into the apartment, Lena froze at the sound of a low, agonized moan. Ready to launch herself inside, she listened intently waiting to hear the noise again. Two minutes passed silently and Lena released her breath.

  “Help me. Please, help me.”

  It was barely a projected whisper, but there was no denying its urgency. Lena looked towards the stairwell before vaulting inside and locking the door, her heart thumping fiercely.

  Staring at the door, she could think of a hundred good reasons not to open it, but was unable to dismiss what she had heard. The voice had sounded feminine, young and helpless. Somewhere nearby, there was a girl in trouble, someone who needed help.

  Opening the door again, she held it inches ajar, hoping to hear nothing more. For a few peaceful minutes there was silence, and then the cry came again, a drawn out groan of agony.

  Lena whimpered and bit her lip. It was real what she was hearing. She knew the sound of fear and pain, having called out in her own despair. This was something she could not ignore.

  Cautiously she stepped out into the hall and crept to the stairwell. Peering over the rail, she gasped to see the concrete floor far below, a tiny square framed by descending stairs.

  The silence was disturbed by the sound of quiet weeping, echoing somewhere below. Lena swallowed nervously and moved back, staring at the stairs. Her breathing had become laboured before she had even taken the first downward step.

  Grasping the rail tightly, she descended slowly, placing her feet carefully. At the first landing, she stopped and peered cautiously down the next flight of stairs. The air seemed colder, and she winced that she hadn’t slipped a jacket over her dress.

  The next floor looked much the same as the one she had left, except the walls were more thickly decorated in graffiti and this one had a door on its bathroom. Two apartment doors were closed but she could hear the muffled sound of a television behind one of them.

  Descending halfway down the next flight, she froze as an apartment door opened. She watched as the drunken man, from the day before, shuffled out and made his way to the bathroom. Staying silent and unmoving, Lena waited until the door was shut.

  It was at the next level that she found herself trembling and frightened. Lena’s eyes widened in horror as she stared down at a naked girl, lying on her side. There were bruises, cuts and red splotches over her deathly pale skin. Her tangle of long blonde hair was spread out behind her bloodied face. The girl’s eyes were open, staring out blankly as she made little mewling cries. Blood had pooled under her thin buttocks.

  Lena stared, her eyes taking in the ravaged body and becoming fixed upon the iron cuff around the tiny ankle with the small length of chain spread out from it.

  With her heart thumping against her chest, Lena descended until she had reached the girl. She knelt in front of her, gently touching the girl’s hand. A gasp escaped the swollen blue lips, and with bloodshot eyes wide with terror, the girl looked at her.

  “It’s alright,” Lena smiled sadly. “I’m going to get you help.”

  For a moment the girl could only stare fearfully, but slowly she curled her fingers around Lena’s hand in a weak grip. She could have been no older than sixteen, but Lena knew that she would not see another birthday.

  The girl smiled with an open mouth, revealing missing and broken teeth and a mouth full of blood. Lena fought back tears as the girl weakly gripped her hand.


  Lena nodded. “Yes, it’s alright. Mama is here.”

  The girl’s body relaxed and the grip faded. There was a deep intake of breath, followed by silence. Almost a minute later, another breath was taken but Lena knew it was her last. Lena’s body shook as her cries fought for release.

  Still kneeling, she looked at the closed doors of the apartments. “Help me. Someone, I need help.”

  The doors didn’t open and Lena yelled loudly, frightened and confused.

  Suddenly, a hand covered her mouth. Her hair was gripped and her head pulled back. Lena tried to scream against the filthy palm as her nose filled with the smell of blood and tobacco. Her gaze was wide with terror as she looked into the vicious face that snarled back at her, with its dilated pupils in bloodshot eyes and a mouthful of yellow teeth.

  “I’ve come to help you, sweetheart.” He looked down the stairs. “Ivan, get up here, now. I’ve found the bitch. She’s dead but there’s another one here.

  Still silenced by the hand over her mouth, Lena could only watch as another equally degenerate man came running up the stairs. Both of them had completely shaven heads and tattoos on their necks. He took a moment to examine the dead girl before crouching down in front of Lena and drawing out a large hunting knife.

  “Listen to me, bitch. You’re coming with us. If you make a sound or try to draw attention to us, I’m going to stick this knife in your spine and twist it. You have no idea of the pain you will suffer before you die. Have you got that?”

  With the hand still over her mouth, Lena nodded firmly.

  Ivan glanced at the dead girl before looking at the other man. “I’ll take her. Go down and find the others and get them to park the van out front. Tell them what’s happened.”

  The first man released her and Lena stayed exactly as she was, trembling and avoiding Ivan’s stare.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Ivan asked.

  “Lena Petrenko,” she whispered. An ide
a occurred to her. “I’m Dmitri Petrenko’s daughter.”

  “As in the restaurant?”

  She nodded, but Ivan laughed.

  “Am I supposed to be scared? Petrenko is nobody, a small time prick with his fat fingers in a few pies, and what the fuck would his daughter be doing here?”

  “I’m with…” Lena paused with her last hope. “I’m with Jahn Zaleski who lives upstairs.”

  “And who the fuck is he?”

  For the first time she was able to look into his face. “He’s the one who will kill you if you hurt me.”

  Ivan laughed again. “Is that right? I’ll be sure to remember him. We’ll send him a copy of the movie we make with you.”

  When Lena frowned, Ivan’s grin broadened. “Yes, sweetheart, you’re going to be a film star. You look healthy enough.” He glanced at the dead girl. “You should last longer than this cunt did, and this time there will be no fuck ups.”

  An apartment door suddenly opened and Ivan grasped hold of Lena. She offered no resistance but stared desperately at the youth who had stopped in his tracks. His own horror was evident, but he merely glanced at Ivan.

  “Sorry, man.”

  Ivan’s lip curled. “Go back inside.”

  The youth complied quickly, shutting the door. Ivan laughed into Lena’s face. “You see, nobody fucks with us. Your father is old school, and your boyfriend would piss his pants if he knew who our boss was.”

  His fingers dug into her arm as his gaze travelled down. Grasping her breast, he squeezed painfully, making Lena whimper.

  “Nice tits,” he grinned. “You’ve got a bit of meat on your bones, unlike that skinny slut. I always tell them to use the bigger girls. They last longer and look better on camera. What are you like at sucking cock?”

  When Lena’s face filled with horror, Ivan laughed harder. “It’s alright sweetheart. We’ll teach you all you have to do. Maybe we’ll send a copy to your father. I could just picture Dmitri Petrenko getting a fat over his daughter being pummelled.”

  With the tears running down her face, Lena felt all her hope drain away. Even if Jahn returned, she feared that he would find himself outnumbered. There were obviously others around, and this was confirmed on the return of the other man.

  “I found them,” he announced. “They’re bringing the van around now.”

  Ivan stood up, pulling Lena up with him. “Time for us to go. Just remember, bitch, nobody around here gives a fuck, but just in case they do, don’t try anything you’ll regret. Just walk with me and keep your mouth shut.”

  Descending the remaining stairs, Lena offered no resistance until they reached the exit. She stiffened in the doorway as she saw the black van parked on the road, its side door open and three other men getting out. One of them approached, with his broad body well over six feet, a shaved head and swastika tattooed on his neck. He gave Lena a leering perusal before glaring at Ivan.

  “Where’s that other cunt?”

  “It’s alright, Pavel.” Ivan’s aggression had dimmed. “She’s dead and look, we already have a replacement.”

  “Then you had better not let her escape,” Pavel snarled. “Stay off the fucking drugs when you have work to do.”

  “I will, Pavel. You can trust me and look this one is better anyway.”

  The huge man gave Lena another look and his mouth twitched at the corners. He nodded slowly. “She’s pretty. Give her to me and go get the corpse.”

  Lena found herself shoved from one horror to another. Pavel towered over her as his hand gripped the back of her neck and steered her toward the van.

  “Get in.”

  The other two men were waiting inside with handcuffs, shackles and gag. Lena cried out, pushing back suddenly against Pavel and writhing about to escape his grip. The unexpected attack gave her a moment of release, but she had barely taken flight before she was seized again.

  Pavel pulled her against him, his angry face close to hers. “I’ve had one bitch escape already today. You’re going fucking nowhere.”

  “Let her go.”

  The voice came from behind her and she watched Pavel look over her head and laugh. “Or what?”

  Turning back, Lena saw one of the youths that had greeted Jahn. He looked no older than her, and his skinny tall body was no match for Pavel, but as she watched, he pursed his lips and whistled.

  The other two men had come out of the van and as they looked about, the street around began to fill with other youths, some carrying tyre irons and machetes. Among them was the lad that Lena had seen upstairs with Ivan.

  “That’s Jahn’s woman.” The first youth said flatly. “Let her go.”

  Pavel laughed softly, though his companions looked anxious.

  “Hand me the rifle,” he told them quietly.

  Keeping his eyes on the mob, one man reached into the van and brought out the short barrelled rifle, handing it to Pavel, who held it up.

  “Do you know what this is?” He bellowed. “It is the VZ-58, more accurate than the AK-47. It’s lighter and handles a lot faster. I’ll have you mowed down before you even get near us. Do you want to spend the rest of the day picking up the bodies over a fucking woman?”

  The advance had stopped but the youths continued to eye them.

  Pavel laughed again. “Come on boys, come and take her from me.”

  The laughter came to an abrupt silence. Lena looked up and startled to see his face had a gaze of horror, his eyes rigid as they stared out at nothing. His mouth hung open and blood ran out at the sides, soon flooding over his lower lip.

  His hand fell away from her and Lena backed up quickly, only to watch as he teetered for a moment before falling straight forward to the ground. She cried out as she saw the hilt of a knife protruding from the base of his neck.

  The other two men were also watching, their fear comparable to hers. They scrambled to the front doors of the van, sparking the mob’s attack. The men were pulled out and set upon in a vicious attack. Lena looked about wildly as the wild youths rushed about her, and turning she fled towards the building, only to crash into another body. Instinctively she fought, lashing out with her fists, only to have her wrists seized.

  “Lena, stop it now.”

  Even in the madness, the stern, deep voice halted her attack, and her body slumped as she looked up. Jahn’s stony face looked furious, but she had never been happier to see it. As he released his hold on her, she fell against him, leaning her cheek against his chest and wrapping her arms around him.

  The embrace wasn’t returned and the anger was evident in his voice. “I’m dying to hear why you aren’t in the apartment.”

  Lena held onto him, sobbing quietly as her fear melted away, until he gripped her arms and pushed her away from him. His eyes drilled into her.

  “Go back up to the apartment while I clean up your fucking mess.”

  His coldness startled her. She wanted to try to explain, but was overcome with the violence around her. Shaking, she pointed to the building. “Two men are still in there.”

  “Do they have guns?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I don’t know. One has a knife.”

  She heard him breathe deeply, and then watched in horror as he strode back to Pavel’s lifeless body and put his boot on the bloodied back. Gasping, Lena turned away heaving, as he wrenched the knife out.

  One of the boys went to pick up the rifle, only to receive Jahn’s fierce glare. “I’ll have that.”

  Jahn strode past her, holding the rifle at the stock, and entered the building. Lena stood confused, looking about at the carnage. The two men lay on the ground, barely moving, their clothes torn and faces beaten to a pulp. In two powerful gags, Lena emptied her stomach onto the ground. It was hard to breathe as her nose blocked up with her sobbing. Clutching her arms, she walked away, leaving the horror behind her.


  Ivan swallowed nervously as he stared at the rifle pointed at him. He wasn’t sure if he was m
ore intimidated by the weapon, or the man holding it. His companion looked just as worried as they remained frozen on the stairs.

  “Back up to the landing and put the girl down,” Jahn commanded quietly.

  They obeyed him silently, lying the body down gently and slowly raising their hands.

  “Who are you?” Ivan asked.

  “I live here, and your friends just tried to take my woman. You should never have done that.”

  Ivan swallowed again. “Jahn Zaleski.”

  “That would be me. You, I don’t give a fuck who you are. All I’m interested in is what you are going to tell me.”

  Jahn pursed his lips and whistled loudly. Four of the boys came running up the stairs, looking first to Jahn and then at his captives.

  “That’s them.” The boy from the apartment pointed his finger. “They are the ones that had your woman. Do you want us to finish them for you, Jahn?”

  “No Karl, I do not want you to finish them.” Jahn frowned at him. “I need these two left alive and I mean it. Take them downstairs, tie them securely and put them in the van. Can you do that?”

  Karl beamed. “Yes, Jahn.”

  Jahn studied him and held out the rifle. “Do you know how to use this?”

  Looking embarrassed, Karl shook his head.

  “It’s easy.” Jahn proceeded to give him a demonstration of getting the rifle ready to fire, but then his frown deepened. “It is only as a backup until these pricks are in the van, and then I want it back. If you use it unnecessarily, I’m going to break your head.”

  Karl grinned. “I’ve already had your boot up my arse. I’ll keep my head.”

  Jahn passed the rifle to him and glared up at Ivan. “These boys are a little angry that you invaded their territory and now one of them has a powerful weapon. I suggest you don’t give them any reason to use it.”

  Two of the youths ran up and took hold of them and the men were led downstairs without resistance. Jahn went up to the landing and crouched down beside the girl. The sound of gagging made Jahn look up at the skinny youth standing behind him.