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Master Page 12
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Page 12
“What’s the matter, Danil?” he smirked. “She looks no worse than what you and your friends did to those men.”
Danil heaved again. “She’s dead.”
Jahn nodded sadly as his gaze returned to the blonde girl. “Yes she is. Any idea who she might be?”
He shook his head. “There’s been something going on in that empty building a block over for the last month. Lights on in there at night. Black vans parked out front. There’s been screaming and some other shit.”
“What other shit?”
“Skinheads, big bastards like that cunt you killed.” Danil exhaled forcefully. “Fuck, Jahn, I’ve never seen anyone throw a knife like that.”
Jahn looked down at the iron cuff around the girl’s ankle and he lifted the chain, staring at the broken link.
“She wanted to live,” he muttered. “She must have hammered away at this for a while. Brave girl. It would have been agonising for her to make it this far.”
“What are you going to do with her?”
“I’ll keep her on ice until we find out who she is.” He shifted to look at her face and his hand absently reached out to stroke her hair. “She deserves to be returned to her family.”
“And those arseholes?”
“Take a couple of your friends and dump the dead one somewhere where he’s not going to be found by a bunch of kids. The two you mangled can be left outside the hospital, though I doubt they will last through the night. The other two are mine.”
Danil nodded and shuffled about restlessly. “Did we do the right thing, Jahn?”
Looking up at him, Jahn sighed. “I’m not sure I know what the right thing is anymore, but you stopped them from taking her. I’m grateful to you, but I can’t promise that this is the end of it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve seen that big bastard before and the skinheads you mentioned. There’s a lot of them, so you need to word the others up about keeping their mouths shut, or you’re going to find yourselves right in the middle of a gang war you can’t win. These aren’t kids, and the few weapons you have are no match for the hardware these ones carry. Do you understand this, Danil?”
He nodded. “You don’t need to tell us nothing, Jahn. We know Bratva when we see them, and the only reason we got involved was that Karl saw that prick with your woman and the girl. He climbed down the building to tell us, but fuck, I’m glad that you got here.”
Jahn stood up and gazed into Danil’s face. “What you did, you and Karl and the others… you did the right thing by me and I am grateful.”
The youth grinned awkwardly and shrugged. “Hey, it was worth it, just watching you stick that fuck in the neck. When are you going to teach us to throw a knife like that, Jahn?”
“Never,” Jahn grinned. “Now let’s get this moving before the fucking militia show up.”
Danil nodded and took off down the stairs. Pulling his jumper off, Jahn crouched down and slipped it over the girl’s head, gently drawing her arms into the sleeves and pulling it down over her body. Lifting her, he made his way downstairs.
The crowd seemed to have grown significantly, but they fell silent and parted the way as Jahn carried the girl to the van. The side door was open and he could see the two men inside bound and gagged. Their eyes widened in terror as the lifeless body was placed inside with them.
Jahn spoke with his icy glare and a smile. “I know of the code you men operate under, to die before you spill your guts. I like that. It means that I have to be creative in how I will extract everything I need to know from you, but I promise you, you will talk. You might want to think about that while you still have the skin on your backs.”
He slammed the door shut, leaving their terrified faces behind it. One of the boys handed Jahn the keys but he shook his head.
“Take it around the back for now and I’ll be there soon.” He looked around him. “Where’s Lena?”
The boy pointed to the road along further where Lena was sitting, hunched over on the edge of the footpath, her head bowed. Jahn nodded and started towards her.
She didn’t look up when he crouched down in front of her.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah sure,” she answered. “This is what life is all about, violence, killing and pain.”
Jahn frowned. “You were with the girl?”
“She died right in front of me. She thought I was her mother.”
“There was nothing you could have done for her. Her injuries were far too severe. You gave her some comfort in her last moments.”
“She shouldn’t have had her last moment.” Lena glared up at him, tears streaming down her face. “She was younger than me. She should be alive and having fun and living her life. Why did they do that to her?”
“They are evil men. The world’s full of them.”
“And are you one of them?”
Jahn averted his gaze. “I don’t know, maybe.”
“You killed that man and you pulled that knife out as if it was nothing. You had no expression, no remorse, nothing. I don’t understand that.”
“If you’re asking me if it bothered me to kill that man, the answer is no. If he had got you into the van, and open fired on the crowd, it would have been bloodshed. I did what needed to be done.”
“And those other men, Ivan and his friend, what will you do to them?”
“I’m going to find out who that girl was, so I can take her back to her family. I’m also going to find out what they were doing, because I guarantee you, she wasn’t the first girl.”
“They are making movies,” Lena remarked, wiping her tears away. “They told me. What type of movies involves hurting girls like that?”
“The worst kind,” Jahn answered. “Which is why I need to stop them.”
Lena nodded thoughtfully. “I want you to stop them.”
Jahn took hold of her hand. “And I can only do that if you do as I ask. I need to go again and I may be gone several hours.”
“And you want me to stay alone in the apartment again,” she huffed.
“That is the plan,” Jahn sighed. “But you don’t seem to be able to do as you’re told.”
Looking down at her hand in his, Lena smiled. “Maybe I would if I thought you really cared about me, that I wasn’t just part of your plans.”
“Lena, I’ve been nothing but kind to you, despite your bratty behaviour and self-pity. I do care for you, and not just because I have to.” He paused, set his mouth grimly and frowned. “Maybe you need a more convincing demonstration of how much I care. Would you like it now or later?”
“What do you mean?”
“The smacked arse you’ve been itching for. Now or later?”
Lena looked at him aghast. “I don’t want one.”
“Bad luck, you’re getting one. Make up your mind. I would suggest doing it later, unless you don’t mind those boys seeing your bare bum sticking up over my knee out here.”
Lena scurried back from him, her face red and flustered. “You can’t smack my bottom.”
“Oh, yes I can,” He grinned. “Quite effectively. You’re going to feel very well cared for. Maybe I should just do it now. It would do these boys good to see that I take no nonsense from anyone.”
“No,” She blurted out, “Later. You can spank me later.”
“Good choice,” Jahn smiled. “I’ll have something to look forward to when I get home, and you would have had plenty of time to think about your behaviour and anticipate what’s coming.”
It was like a war in her body, with her heart beating faster with excitement, and her conscience screaming that this was all so wrong. What possible comfort or satisfaction could be achieved from something so humiliating and most certainly painful?
“We need to talk about this,” she exclaimed.
“No we don’t. It’s happening. No arguments. It will do you some good and get your mind off all this bullshit, and remind you who is in charge here.” He held out his hand. “Let’s
get you inside.”
When she got up, Jahn pulled her to the front of him and twice slapped his hand hard across her bottom. Lena gasped and turned on him angrily, only to see him grinning.
“Just getting the dirt off your dress.”
“I’ll do it myself.” she glared, but her anger lacked any conviction.
She didn’t want to think of the girl, or the men, or the violence, and as they came back to the building, she sank into Jahn, and breathed relief as he pulled her closer against him, shielding her from curious eyes.
Only when he had her back in the apartment did his face show concern. “Are you going to be alright?”
Lena nodded. “I don’t want to be alone, but I know you have to do this. I want you to find her family.”
“I will,” he stated firmly. “And don’t be afraid. Today, those boys risked their own lives to help you. I hope you understand that.”
She remembered well and smiled. “They thought I was your woman.”
Jahn nodded. “I have to go. Lock the door after me, and think very carefully about disobeying me again. You’re in enough trouble.”
When she had secured the door, Lena went to the couch and sat down. She was still shaking, her mind polluted with all that she had witnessed and experienced. Jahn should never have left her alone to deal with this. She wanted to run after him, and wondered what he would do if she did.
It was then she remembered his threat, but it wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. He was going to punish her on his return. Her mind began to grapple with the enormity of this.
Just trying to imagine how it would play out overwhelmed everything else. She didn’t have to be scared because Jahn had it all under his control, just as he had taken charge of the most violent confrontation she had ever seen. He was so calm, as if it had been an everyday event. What kind of man could do that?
And she was under the care of this man. If he had left her, then he knew that she would be alright. Lena calmed, just knowing that.
She was safe and probably had a mob of skinny youths looking out for her. The girl would be returned to her family, her assailants dealt with and then he would be back, to punish her for her disobedience. Even that would be under his control, without her approval or consent. It was just going to happen.
Lena gasped as her body reacted.
“Jahn’s woman,” she smiled, remembering what the boys had said about her. It felt good and only inspired more fantasy. “My prince.”
It wasn’t the right word for him. It wasn’t strong enough. What did you call a man who had so much power, who could take charge of everything and make it all right?
The word came to her and Lena breathed it out. “Master.”
* * * *
Half an hour out from the city, the van turned off on a dirt road, overgrown with weeds. At the end of it were abandoned buildings and the remnants of a coal mine. The shaft tower with its two giant cable sheaves were silent and rusty. Jahn drove towards an old brick building and gazed at it with a grin.
It was almost like being home, and in an otherwise terrible adolescence, it had brought some fun times. Over the years, he had constantly returned to play out fantasies that were far different from childish games. The church-like structure belied its purpose, and even the name it had been given, the shed, did not reveal its sinister nature.
Jahn parked the van, got out and waited.
A few minutes later, a tall woman emerged from the building and approached, a smile spreading over her face as she got nearer. Her tight black dress and four inch heels looked more suited to a nightclub than an abandoned coalmine. Long black hair fell to her slim waist and her dark eyes were wide with amusement.
“You look like a man with complications,” she grinned, her voice sultry and deep.
“You don’t know the fucking half of it,” Jahn sighed. “How are you, Natasha?”
“Excited. It’s been a while since we got to play.”
“Well, I’m making it up to you.” Jahn walked to the side door and shoved it open. The two bound men inside startled and sat up as their binds would allow. “I’ve got mafia for you.”
Natasha’s mouth fell open and she gazed at the men like a child in a toyshop. “This is exciting. We might get a few hours entertainment before they crack.”
Jahn shrugged. “I don’t know. These two look weak. They get their kicks from torturing little girls like that one, but I can’t see them lasting on the receiving end.”
“We can draw it out a bit; keep the nasty stuff for last.” Natasha’s eyes fell on the small, still body. “Who was she?”
“That’s what I aim to find out.” Jahn stared coldly at the men. “For your sake, I hope you have her name and the name of your producer.”
“Producer?” Natasha arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow.
“They make movies, but nothing the general public would want to see.”
“Interesting.” Natasha’s face grew sombre as she stared at them. “There’s been talk of girls going missing, mostly working girls, but a few strays that have ventured into that new club.”
Jahn nodded. “I killed one of these bastards earlier. I’ve seen him there.”
One of the men began to struggle, making angry, muffled noises against his gag.
“Look at that,” Natasha beamed. “They already want to talk.”
Climbing halfway inside, she pulled the gag down, and drew a cloth out from Ivan’s mouth.
“You cunts are going to fucking die.” Ivan face was distorted with fury. “That was Pavel Novikov, son of Sergei Novikov, and I am his cousin. You picked the wrong family to fuck with.”
Natasha chuckled, before launching her fist into his jaw. Ivan’s head snapped back, with a grunt of pain, and when he looked back at her, his confusion was evident.
“Yes, sweetie,” she smiled. “I’m very strong for a woman, probably because I still have all my boy bits in place. I’ll show you later and give you a demonstration at how well they still work. Now open up.”
When she tried to replace the cloth, Ivan turned his head. “Fucking freak.”
Natasha sighed. “If I punch you again, I’m going to break your nose and then you’re not going to be able to breathe very well when I shove my cock down your throat.”
At this, the other man became animated, shifting his body back, eyes wide with terror. Natasha grinned at him before looking back at Ivan.
“Your friend looks worried. He should be and so should you. Usually, I try to ignore the fact that I’m trapped in this body, but every now and then, when I get carried away by all the blood, and the screaming, it sets something primal off in me. Makes me harder than an iron bar and then I need release… several times. So what’s it going to be, the gag in your mouth, or your nose spread across your face?”
Ivan slowly opened his mouth and the gag was restored. Climbing out, Natasha slammed the door shut and grinned at Jahn, who was laughing quietly.
“You’re a fucking evil bitch, Natasha.”
“You love it.” She tilted her chin up at him. “So are you staying around for the whole show? I’ve unpacked all your favourite toys.”
“For a little while,” he nodded. “I’ll bind them for you and make sure they’re not going to give you any trouble. I want the girl’s name and then I’ll find out where’s she’s from. Did you bring ice?”
The mirth drained away from her face and she nodded. “I’ll clean her up before you take her home. I know two girls that have gone missing, Jahn. I don’t even want to begin to think what they’ve been through.”
“There is recording equipment in the van and a couple of tapes. I’ll check them out, but I want as much information as possible out of these pricks before you’re finished with them. Page me when you’re done.”
Natasha studied his face. “So what are these other complications you spoke of?”
“Lena,” Jahn sighed. “The Party know that I have her and have taken an interest.”
o what? She can’t do anything for them.”
“Makarov may have set up accounts in her name.”
“Oh, so even if they don’t get their man, they’ll go after her.”
Jahn frowned as he nodded and Natasha studied him quizzically. “You’ve got a soft spot for her, haven’t you?”
“She’s a pain in the arse.”
Natasha laughed loudly. “She’s got to you. Somehow, a little Ukrainian girl has found a tender spot in that piece of rock you call a heart.”
Jahn arched an eyebrow, trying to keep his face stern. “She was sick. I didn’t count on that, and it changed a few things. I’ve had to get closer than I intended.”
“This is classic.” Natasha continued to laugh. “And I can just see how she would appeal to you. You never did like them too skinny, and she’s got a nice round arse that must have you drooling.”
His grin finally escaped. “She’s got a magnificent arse, and it doesn’t help that she’s become curious about having it paddled.”
“You have that effect on women, but I don’t see her as the masochistic type.”
“She’s not, but she is submissive, which doesn’t help either.”
“I thought she was a bit simple, from what you’ve told me. Didn’t she just sit in that room, watching movies and talking to dolls?”
Jahn shook his head. “She’s not simple and I think something bad happened to her, which is why she’s like she is. Now reality has been forced on her and she’s proven to have a few wits about her. She’s challenged me a few times, and she sat with that girl as she died when a lot of people would have turned their backs. And she had to defy me to do it, even with the threat of punishment.”
“You probably whetted her appetite.” Natasha peered at him. “And are you going to punish her?”
“She was upset, and I wanted to calm her.” Jahn looked away. “I may have threatened to spank her… tonight.”
“And right now she’ll be squirming in her britches, counting the seconds you’re away, waiting for her big, brave authority figure to come and take charge of her. Jahn, what the fuck are you doing? Do you really want to mess with her head like that?”